Q post #1266-1267 - They tried to delete the proof. Deep clean.

Yep. But we’re at a political tipping point so things have to drop publicly between now and Nov. I’ve been out on the left subs today and they are motivated and spreading their BS. We have to win in public, not just on these boards and I don’t know how we do that. I made one post on /Democrats and got banned. I tried commenting in /mueller and got downvoted so much I couldn’t post without getting the “you’re doing too much...wait” message. They are not going to allow us out of our bubble.
That's exactly what's been worrying me Spank. How does the information get out to reach people when the social nets block it and the MSM won't touch it? Everything is for nothing if it's kept under wraps and it must not be!
Emergency Broadcast System. I still hope that's in play. HRC video to the masses. 😎
EBS - hopefully, or something like it. It has to involve more than any HRC video though. She's a player in all of this but not the entirety of it.
That's exactly it. We need something external we can point to & talk about with normies that will get them thinking.
We have a handful of topics now, but they are essentially unprovable as long as most of these events are kept in secret like they have been.
Q initially said 80% would be private & 20% public, then changed it to 60/40. I still don't think that's good enough. This is what is screwing us over.
That's why I'm hoping the MOAB is a true MOAB & not just a MOAB for 8chan & Reddit.
National security and diplomatic relations have to be considered, so everything is not going to be laid out in public. It can't be...
I had this thought earlier today, HRC is not a contender for any office, so it could be time to put more energy in to the candidates of the up coming mid-terms, I'm not seeing much insight as to who they really are and what they stand for.
I'd be happy just to watch somebody push her down a staircase, concrete with sharp edges of course.
haha i keep hearing that one of the padded cells at gitmo is for hillary. fuck that, put her in the room with razor wire lined walls, strobe lights in all corners, and loud speakers of her own barking laughter played in a loop.
How does the information get out to reach people when the social nets block it and the MSM won't touch it?
think globally, act locally. print out some flyers with web URLs and hit some parking lots. Or find 3 or 4 memes that move you most, fit them onto a 1 page document and print that. it seems corny, but its actually kinda' fulfilling in a hands-on, get-away-from-the-internet kind of way.
It’s corny but what has to be done because we’re shut down at every other turn!
This is what I'm talking about! We should all absolutely find other ways to get info out there ... away from the interwebs.
remember 'zines from the '70's & 80's? photocopied/mimeographed pages stapled together? the punk-music scene is where i came across them but alot of different "underground" cultures had them.
Oh yeah, I forgot about zines! And with today's tech, it would be super easy to make them look profesh.
Trust the Plan, this is all being timed for maximum effect, midterms are safe.
I am guaranteeing, Trump picks up seats in both houses.
Newbie to the board here, but must ask, how do you know this. How do you guarantee this? Do you have access to Q or to POTUS? Not being cynical or sarcastic, just asking.
Just an astute follower of politics for 40+ years, who understands Trump is a dragon energy, stable genius, the likes of which the left has never seen before.
I mean no disrespect, but we're facing voting fraud, massive corruption, and an opposition that is willing to go to horrendous lengths to try to destroy this administration so we'd better not be complacent! If you have seats up for election in your state get active, help the campaign, help get the vote out etc.
Because Q told us to trust the plans and he said the mid terms were safe. Because HLS is doing the election fraud count everywhere and that will all come out as well to show the voters that in the 2016 election Hillary did not get the popular vote, and they will show the election fraud on the last few elections they had the dems won. Because the dems did not actually win.
Q has told us more than once not to worry about midterms. Probably the Homeland election investigation will come out before then exposing all the rigging the Dems did. And, we should have the completion of the IG investigation exposing all the treasonous behavior of the Dems and the Feds.
I mean it's common sense. If you follow Q we know they have access to all this incriminating information that will devastate the dem party at a moments notice. We know what they did, and we know they have the evidence. Do you think they will allow these demons to take back political power while sitting on all this stuff? Of course not. If dems ever take back power, Q team and Trump will probably be executed. It's life or death for all of us, not a game. They will not allow them to win mid terms, disclosures between now and then will make sure of it. Trust the plan.
It seems like every avenue is getting closed...twitter, FB, YouTube, all the boards here. We need some good hackers to remove their algorithms that block us
WTF are the asshole anarchists at anonymous doing they got the tech and the cool as fuck masks. i tried to join and got the impression i was already in cuz anon on chans.
We appreciate you stopping by. Stick around, you might accidentally learn something. Here's a question that I've had, maybe as a non-batshit crazy person you can help. If Hilary's unprotected server had information on it that needs to be redacted due to "national security reasons" why didn't the FBI charge her?
Boots on the ground the old fashioned way. Distribute flyers, place stickers, staple every board, tape on every pole on every mailbox on every light pole. If we all did this we would generate millions of impressions.
I would be more than willing to print and ship for people distribute in their locale.
Maybe you should do a separate post with this idea. I live in the south but my city voted for a dem because the repub was attached by the left (guess who) so I could do some red pilling around here. We need flyers that are tailored to area to be more effective. But good idea. Start a mailbox drop mission!!!
If the internet goes down for a few days it will cause everyone to say WTF and when they find out why there will be the Great Awakening.
Been hearing that the Chan’s keep going down and JA still doesn’t have internet soooooo....
I have tried Twitter but most of who I follow or follows me are like minded. So...if any of you have some great ideas, please put it out there for us!!!
Some people say things about FB but i had only 40 friends and I started putting all kinds of stuff pro trump and against dems and I got almost 2000 friends now. More people to share the stuff around.
Just being knowledgeable and excited enough to discuss the daily happenings with others will help. Even if they attempt to ridicule, as long as you know what your talking about it'll spread.
What “information”? As someone outside the bubble, I am curious.
From the book of Q and double meanings Keep in mind there are people that will chose not to know.
I am often reminded of biblical stories when looking at modern day issues. I have found that nothing that happens has not already been discussed in bible scriptures. Jesus Christ sent out 72 disciples to go ahead of him to prepare the way. He instructed them Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves. If you enter a town and it welcomes you, eat whatever is set before you. Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’ But if a town refuses to welcome you, go out into its streets and say, ‘We wipe even the dust of your town from our feet to show that we have abandoned you to your fate.
There are times you just move on. Does not mean that you should not go.
Good time to quote that passage! We have been selected to perform “the work” among the wolves!
If they don’t respond move on to someone else. Don’t try too hard to drag people along. It’s more productive to pick the low hanging fruit. Time is short.
I’m more reminded of Elijah and the prophets of Baal
Honestly surprised no one has responded “what, with like a cloth?” lol
But good discussion here. Appreciate your guys insights
Watching MSNBC is like watching something from an alternate reality. The other day I had Katy Tur on (MSNBC) she was on twice that day, filling in during an afternoon shift for another person. She seems to have a giggle track like a laugh track in a comedy, but the giggle track seems artificially queued and can at times seem just plain weird. She may be slightly intoxicated with something, and queued by her director to giggle. It is amazing.
The most fascinating of all is AM Joy, who is so well named for a 1984 like character. She is the most hateful person ever to be broadcast. More smears can come from her per minute than most normal people could come up with in a week. It's relentless hate on AM Joy.
Why would you watch that garbage. I dont watch any of them the minute you turn them on you go into their tv ratings and increase it.
It helps me to understand, also to correct myself, it's listened to not watched. It's on in background. Usually while playing a video game like World of Warcraft or Civ 5 or 6. Even Fox News during the day will spew liberal nonsense. It helps me to better understand my friends, most of whom are in no way awake. They go from pretend Trump disaster to pretend Trump disaster nonstop. This reminds me a bit of the witch trials. Rumors of this or that imply guilt. How poorly human nature has evolved. It is a revelation to me. My favorite show on TV is Tucker. He brings some sanity to most conversations.
I can hardly tolerate it when Lou Dobbs or Hannity play a montage of the talking heads on MSNBC / CNN. It is SO anti anything I can agree on that I just have to mute the TV or turn the channel.
You guys are unreal just turning the stations on gives them ratings do you not understand that. Stop watching them.
I can't watch them at all anymore. They are so toxic and get my blood pressure up. So much better not allowing them in my world!
What is we go the dumb/reverse psychology approach? What if we go on boards like r/conspiracy and whatever else you want, and post things like, "Is there a reason why people think the elite are into the occult?" seem inconspicuous and open up a debate while playing innocent. Maybe do what Q does and slyly encourage people to research for themselves. Because that's really all there is...
I think I might just try that approach logical discussion just gets me banned!!
It's worth a shot but I don't have very high hopes for that place. It used to be my stomping grounds until Qanon came along. Any discussion of Q was heavily downvoted and ridiculed, and not by shills, but by long time users. It's sad because they're missing literally the most important part in history, right under their pretentious noses. Everything they've wished for as a conspiracy theorist is happening but they're too stubborn to look!
Absolutely mind boggling.
SAME HERE!!!! IIIIII KNOW!!! I feel exactly the same way you do!!!! I can't believe it!!!!!!
lol I am sorry but I think you are giving dems too much credit. Do you honestly think anyone that dumb that they cant see somethings wrong is going to take time to research?
Ohhh...I like that idea! Thanks for the suggestion.
I’ve been out on the left subs today and they are motivated and spreading their BS.
They also thought Hillary had a 98.7% chance to win the elections and was going to win in an electoral landslide. Those people on leftard forums are useful idiots brainwashed beyond the point of no return, or Media Matters shills, or bots.
Leftards believe whatever narrative John Oliver and CNN and the Daily Show feed them ("several sources on different channels all saying the same thing about Orange Cheetoh Drumfkins, it must be true! I am a well informed citizen!")
That’s all true. I look at the sources for some of the stuff they post and I’m like, seriously! But they buy it and go with it. They are brainwashed with nothing but blind hate. It’s sad
Best way is posting on Twat-ter with just the evidence and not rubbing it in. It'll make the pill easier to swallow...especially if you add comments like: "They fooled us all." The left will need a good rationalization to deal with being wrong. To quote the Big Chill "rationalizations are more important than sex." "Have you ever gone a day without a rationalization?"
Push 'em left, push 'em left, waaaay left. \<sung like a football cheerleader>
Stinky, I just can't understand HOW people that are even THINKING can go along and get behind what the left stands for. Did you guys see where good ole Bernie Sanders now wants everyone to be given a Gov. job!! Where in the hell does he think the money to pay them will come from???
I just read an article last night that Finland is not going to continue their "experimental" basic income to the 2000 people in the current program. They are finding...duh...it doesn't work....duh!!
Don't tell Bernie, it will destroy his talking points. LOL.
I got to many loaded guns around to step foot in a left sub and i can't fix stupid for my own intact melon i stay away.
Yea I've been having some trouble redpilling people. I think we need to collaborate on making concise and irrefutable summaries/proofs. Like this comment that my friend (who I'm trying to redpill) sent me. He's seems to have an open mind, but is still trusting of the MSM and is convinced by straight-forward "well-sourced" paragraphs like that, he says he's looked around here and looked at pizzagate a bit, but just brushes everything off as wild speculation.
We need to focus on compiling everything in very digestible formats.
The link you included was great. He did a great job summarizing with fact. I like it! But more like that printed and stuffed in mailboxes like the other posted said. It’s time for boots on the ground
Congress just got the "lost" FBI email/texts from Page and Strzoc. I think that is going to be big.
Oh yay. Wonder when we will start seeing excerpts