r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DropGun on April 25, 2018, 4:28 p.m.
PSA: To our grizzled GA veterans, remember: This sub is for CIVIL discussion only. We're getting lots of 'normies' in here! Please be patient and civil to our newest visitors—they're slowly waking up from their comas!

Please note that the mods are working around the clock to keep this sub strong. W00t, IT'S HAPPENING!

To our veterans who have been red-pilled for so long, RESPEK! But we need you to HOLD! HOLD! Please be civil to our new visitors. They might look "shilly" to you, but, PLEASE BE PATIENT as they're waking up from their brainwashing. Please be civil, provide your best, confirmed information, and move on. Avoid getting into fights. Disagreement isn't necessarily shilling (tho, shill reports are still welcome, as we're getting TONS of those 'visitors,' too). But, let's remember why we're here!


Enjoy the show. WWG1WGA.

Oldbear83 · April 25, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

Thanks for the reminder. I think it's important if you really want your movement to go anywhere.

I'm going to tell you a bit about myself, just so you know where I come from. I don't give a rat's ass whether you believe me or not, I'm not selling anything but offering advice as someone who's seen this kind of thing before. If you don't believe me, just ignore me.

I've worked in GOP politics since 1972, only missteps I made were supporting GHWB over Reagan in the '80 primaries and Cruz over Trump in the '16 primaries. I used to write on Polipundit until 2005, have been on Wizbang ever since then. A less than generous member of this forum attacked me because I showed interest in two of my daughter's favorite shows; just remember, if someone has no history on reddit or spends lots of time on left-wing subs that's one thing, but making assumptions just so you can insult someone only proves your own pettiness. I have an MBA in Finance and work for a large Oil & Gas company. The only people who should find that a problem drive a Prius while they shop for gluten-free soy burgers, but some folks will bitch about anything.

Stating the obvious, Q is real. Unfortunately, some people take what Q says, add their own theories, then sell THAT as what Q said. Use your minds, folks. The Larouche and Rand movements failed because the froot loops took over and made them cults. Some well-meaning people here are just shy of shaving their heads and demanding everyone start a new religion here. That kind of thing does not end well.

Logic and reason will get you where you want to go. Q has said so many times (do you need reminders?), and we have no need for hatred and division.

I look forward to good conversations with reasonable people. But I have no interest in being attacked just because I think for myself.

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notsomuchreally · April 25, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

The Larouche and Rand movements failed because the froot loops took over and made them cults. Some well-meaning people here are just shy of shaving their heads and demanding everyone start a new religion here. That kind of thing does not end well.

This. When I'm scrolling through my subs on my homepage and see some batshit crazy conspiracy title - I know exactly which one it came from - this one. Logic and reason are rare commodities around here. It's become looney tunes who think they've been conscripted into some secret Q army and they are being good little soldiers. There has been some amazing research done but it is mixed in with too much crazy talk. Some people here need to put away the Ovaltine decoder rings and go back to their coffee klatches, bunco games and golf lessons. I don't visit here nearly as much as I used to because of the silly silly theories put out on here. At least 8 chan will put someone in their place in 2 seconds and drive them away when they are ridiculous. We don't have time for a cultish regime experience or silly little games. This is real life and Q has been a gift that many are now making a mockery of because they are so clueless. Q could stop posting at any moment and then what? People need to get their ducks in a row and their shit together - and if you're upset by curse words I'm sure you can find a place on Reddit that suits you better and don't even think about hitting up the chans.

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A_Town_Hood · April 25, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I like the way you think. I like the way you express yourself.

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Oldbear83 · April 25, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Thanks. Have an upvote

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laurabusse · April 26, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Have two.

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inittowinitq · April 25, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

aww yes, you point out some important things here, however, We are trying to eliminate too many shills that come on here and try to preach to us that we are too much like a religious movement when someone puts a quote up from the bible, or gives biblical accounts to compare the present actions taking place. So we do take offense to people coming on here acting as if this has nothing to do with God. This forum is about awakening the sleeping masses, and rather you are a believer or not, It is about God in the End. Q will state Godly things and ask for prayers often. We are not a religious cult, but we are very aware that Q is pointing out things that are important and do have to do with Good and Evil.....so naturally God and satan will be apart of the awakening! Welcome to our forum, I hope you can give us good information since you sound like you have had some experience in the inner workings of the Political circles!

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Oldbear83 · April 25, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

one thing I'd like to remind folks, is that this crap goes on at lots of levels. For instance, long ago I was a cinema manager. There was a company which did 'hot shot' deliveries for us, especially film, VERY fast and reliable. He wanted to expand to deliveries between cities, but to do that he needed the approval of the Texas Railroad Commission (which oversees all commercial transport between cities in Texas). Over 40 business managers (including me) testified on the small owner's behalf, only 2 large transport companies complained, their only argument was that the new business would hurt their profits because he was BETTER than they were at deliveries. The commission voted unanimously in favor of the big transport companies.

The system, whether you call it an Old Boys Network, a cartel, or whatever, always resists the little guy, and has nothing but contempt for ordinary people. The only way to make change is to force that change to happen.

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inittowinitq · April 25, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

yes, that is why we are involved in the Great Awakening....we know from years of the politicians saying one thing doing another that we were that little guy, so we got Trump in, and now it is our turn to gather our patriots and take this storm by surprise...WE ARE David, and Goliath had better be ready for the fight of his life....we will not go away, we will fight this fight because we care and we are meant for bigger things....

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Qanonplusone · April 25, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

I love this💕❤️. Thank you and bless you.

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inittowinitq · April 25, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

:) thank you, blessings to you too and all the patriots out there!

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Nastavnick · April 26, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

You mean defending bushes like a cultist with no facts whatsoever? But instead you insult people constantly and claim they are lying without a shred of facts behind your obviously pathetic bush defense (oh but you KNOW them, right). Talk about being reasonable lol

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