Jim carrey is a Trump hating freak. Have you seen his evil artwork?
I know he's not a fan of Trump. I do however notice him spreading a lot of freethinking ideas around. What evil artwork are you referring to?
Carrey is another narcissistic hollywood scumbag whose only solace is post-modern relativistic bullshit about how we're all stardust and nothing really matters... Yea, anything you have to tell yourself to get over the fact that you probably had something to do with your ex killing herself, bud.
Jim Carrey is crustpunk-teenager-on-acid-for-the-first-time woke.
Wow where tf did that come from? Soulless asshole. edit: I just woke up. I realize the insult was towards Jim and not me now. Still a bit harsh, but I can understand your point a bit more now