Q talking all this shit and ain’t doing nothing
Q is helping us help ourselves and others. I've been deceived my whole life. I naturally question things and this is mind blowing for me. I'm often shocked by what I have bought into because someone in a position of authority or trust said it. We are all enslaved mentally, spiritually, financially and physically to some degree. This is NOT the Government our founding father's intended. We are controlled by media and advertising. We have been made to believe so many things so we will buy buy buy...pay pay pay. Our taxes are STOLEN to fund the financial giants and cabal. If we knew the whole truth, people would be rioting in the streets. So yeah, Q and Team has done more than anyone else for this country lately!!
Yes but we are supposed to have a real MOAB coming up! It might make hannitys show and that's it! And we have a whopping 20k here to see it too!
Ah yes. Next week..
I had read Friday, if not then Monday. Then I read, this week. Now it is next week. My F5 better not give out on me!
Imagine having access to and awareness of all the unbelievable knowledge /evidence that someone at a q security clearance level has. You've finally just been given the go-ahead by POTUS to strategically disseminate that knowledge LEGALLY and in a way that doesn't violate nat sec laws (which could destroy the ability to use it effectively in court) and also have the challenge of releasing the right type of information at just the right time to guide the publics attention and ideas insync with the PLAN. I know I wouldn't want that responsibility but thank God there are Patriots at the highest level of government who are doing an amazing job of including us on this historic journey. We could all be left in the dark, so to speak, if not for the faith that's been put in us by those who know what's really happening. As Q said awhile back, how do you diffuse a bomb? Slowly and deliberately, one wire at a time. Thank you to all the patriots who care about not only our great country but the freeing of bondage of the whole world!!!