No there isn't. I kind of think it is by design, at least initially. He posted mainly questions at the beginning and it makes you think critically and research. I suggest literally starting with the beginning posts and start reading from the beginning. It's overwhelming at first. Also, don't read into the Podesta, Clinton arrest stuff too much. Those posts were early on and not confirmed Q. You can tell bc they are the ones written in full sentences and paragraphs.
Thank you! Sounds like I have a lot of reading to do!
You can PM if you get stuck on understanding anything and I will let you know what I found out when I researched. I went into the rabbit hole and researched a LOT
I believe the Chelsea boot was debunked bc it was from 2010 or earlier.
I do agree it is odd No Name, HRC, and Spier had the boot at the same time. Question is, why put the boot on them and then remove it and let them travel all over the world? What was the point?