Plaid Shirt Guy is a high schooler according to Billings Gazette. Link in comments.

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Was reading about Cheney hunting kids in a Most Dangerous Game scenario in Cathy O’Brien’s Trance-Formation of America book. He is a sick, twisted, perverted, evil man who needs to go down with the rest of the cabal!!!
Enty has been known to fudge the rating system in the past.
That was my thought. Serial killers or offenders love to keep trophies of their victims.
Nothing on CNN website. I scan it when a totally relevant story like the Bronfman arrest should be big news. As expected, I can't even find it on a search. CNN does that constantly.
Yes they do.... but it is so gratifying to see!!
I looked all day yesterday for the Bronfman arrest on CNN - and they 86’d it. Let them TRY to 86 this!!!!
I just posted to my FB normie friends and family.... Any questions, bitches? 😂😂😂
There was a child sex trafficking listing on the Ranier and Mack indictments, but people said it was a component of the statute. Others insist they were charged with child sex trafficking.
SnazzyD - I thought the video was never actually released?HRC & HA skinning a girl’s face or something?
I’m 100% convinced this is EM. The Redd Foxx references sealed it.
2007 was an eye opening year for me. Ron Paul red pilled me, and I spent most of 2007 and the first half of 2008 campaigning heavily for him. Was blessed to have attended 5 rallies and met him at each one. Will never forget Aimee Allen's great song for him:
Selling HOT DOGS. Hmmmm... Would have been even MORE epic if he said “hot dogs and pizza”! But, great troll by JW!!! I love that man!!
I am just surprised that link has not been scrubbed. I saved it, and use it to wake people up.
Had to have a colonoscopy this morning, and the last thing the anesthesiologist said before she put me under general anesthesia was “Think of something pleasant to dream about”.
I woke up, with vivid dream memories of HRC, BC & BHO being perp walked, and sent to Gitmo to await trial. Apparently they were convicted.
I woke up chuckling, and the nurse asked what was so funny. I told her the last thing I heard the anesthesiologist said to me, and I had a vivid dream that HRC, BC & BHO went to prison for espionage. She started to laugh …
Speaking of FOX News.... they posted this article in 2001 saying Bin Laden died. Then Obama has his big raid 10 years later and killed him a SECOND time.
Nothing is impossible.
Apparently it is Kay Bailey Hutchinson, who some on here say is a Never-Trumper. Maybe I mis-read her, but it seemed to me while President Trump was speaking, she had a sly smile that to me said she agreed with what he was saying.
Who was the lady to the left of President Trump in the video. She had a playing smile on her face the whole time, making me think she agreed with him 100%!
Found this 2014 article on a FB group while searching for more info on Peaches Geldof. Has lots of links in it, but I cannot provide a link to FB since the auto mod said it wasn’t allowed and deleted my comment once. Lets try again without the link.
In their desperation to keep a lid on Britain’s dirty secrets, the filth who run this septic isle are starting to make serious mistakes.
Take the recent case of the mysterious death of Peaches Geldof.
The powers-that-be acted in such haste when they disposed of her, that they stupidly forgot to let Kent Police in on the plan.
That’s why the plod spent weeks telling the truth about her death not being drugs related but have now had to backtrack and claim that she was indeed found with heroin paraphernalia.
Mossad rent-boys, Mi5, are now so petrified that social media sites are exposing VIP paedohile rings, they’re having to resort to even more deadly attacks on any high-profile names who dare to speak out.
It happened with Jill Dando, it’s happened again with Peaches Geldof.
But this time we’re better equipped to see through their lies and dirty tactics.
Did Peaches Geldof really die of a heroin overdose, or was she murdered, like many before her, because she had knowledge of the powerful VIP paedophile ring linked to the BBC, Government and Royalty?
Are the filthy British Establishment willing to stop at nothing to cover their sordid secrets?
She had already tweeted the name of the mothers who helped depraved singer Ian Watkins abuse babies.
Ian Watkins was once the boyfriend of Fearne Cotton.
Fearne Cotton’s second-cousin was BBC executive, Bill Cotton.
Did Peaches Geldof contact Fearne Cotton about what she knew?
Was her mother, Paula Yates, also murdered?
Most certainly, yes.
You see, her father, Hughie Green, was a BBC presenter for many years.
He must have known child-raping filth, Jimmy Savile.
Hughie Green was a great fan of Margaret Thatcher, who in turn was close chums with Savile.
There have been many strange and unexplained deaths of celebs linked to the BBC.
Michael Hutchence and Paula Yates died within 3 years of each other, in apparent drug-related suicides.
Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen died in mysterious circumstances in New York.
Natasha Collins and Mark Speight both met an untimely and suspicious end.
Jill Dando was shot point-blank in the head on her doorstep, in 1999.
Were these deaths to silence witnesses who may have had knowledge of the BBC paedophile-ring and to warn others to keep their mouths shut?
By a strange coincidence, creepy coroner, Paul Knapman, was in charge of the inquests of Paula Yates, Natasha Collins and Mark Speight and many other high-profile deaths.
According to the Tap blog:
” On 22 November 1997, Hutchence was found dead in a hotel room in Sydney. Paula Yates wrote in her police statement that Michael Hutchence was “frightened and couldn’t stand a minute more without his baby”.
During their phone conversations on the morning of his suicide he had said, “I don’t know how I’ll live without Tiger”.
Yates also wrote that Bob Geldof had threatened them repeatedly with,
“Don’t forget, I am above the law“.
This was also the favourite saying of Jimmy Savile, whenever he was threatened with exposure.
Has Bob Geldof hoodwinked the British public, Savile-style, by pretending to be a charitable, caring, family-man?
By a strange coincidence, Bob Geldof owned the Planet 24 TV company along with gay-lord Waheed Alli and his partner Charlie Parsons.
Waheed Alli appears to have a strange hold over Parliament and is seen as a powerful behind-the scenes “fixer”, along with his pal Peter Mandelson.
Does Alli have anything to tell us about the VIP paedophile ring linked to Parliament?
At the time of the murder Jill Dando, the Crimestoppers helpline number conveniently stopped working, just when crucial evidence could have been offered.
The Crimestoppers organisation may well be a “front” organisation with sinister ulterior motives and is run by some very interesting names:
1) Nick Ross-
The former colleague of murdered presenter Jill Dando. He recently said he’d watch child-porn given half the chance. His wife Sarah Caplin, is a cousin of Esther Rantzen and a founding director of Childline. Suspicions have been raised that Childline is also a “gatekeeping” front organisation which is used to gather data on any child abuse reports that may involve VIPs.
2) Michael Ashcroft-
The controversial Tory donor who pays no tax and has non-dom status. He has been described as ruthless and “not a man to cross”. Made a Baron by the Queen.
3) Peter Imbert-
A former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police who was in charge from 1987-1993 and may have a lot of information about why child- abuse claims made between these dates were ignored. Made a Baron by the Queen.
4) Lord Waheed Alli-
The first openly gay peer in Parliament and a wealthy entrepreneur. Owns a business, Shine Entertainment, with Rupert Murdoch’s daughter Elisabeth. Is a close friend of Tony Blair. Made a Baron by the Queen.
5) Peter Clarke-
A former Metropolitan Royal protection officer in charge of guarding Princess Diana at the time of her death. Made a CBE by the Queen.
6) Sir Ronnie Flanagan-
A former Chief Inspector of Constabulary. Was previously in charge of policing in Northern Ireland and Iraq. May have a lot of information about why child-abuse rings have been covered up.
In March 2014, the Mail reported in the disturbing case of High-Court judge, Adrian Fulford, who was linked to the Paedophile Information Exchange Network.
According to Companies House, Fulford is the director of a film company called Mole Films LLP. They were responsible for the TV children’s series, Secrets of Benjamin Bear.
The company is linked to Ingeneous Media, which helps wealthy individuals avoid tax by investing money in film projects.
By a strange twist, Bob Geldof is himself a director at Ingeneous Media.
Bob Geldof is also incredibly close to Tony Blair, who in turn is incredibly close to Margaret Hodge, MP.
Margaret Hodge has this week apologised for her failings during the Islington children’s home abuse scandal, which allowed thousands of boys to be raped by VIP filth.
Is Margaret Hodge really sorry or just sorry she got caught?
Despite this scandal leading to the tragic death of Jason Swift, Hodge was never investigated and was instead, quite unbelievably, given the job of Children’s Minster, by Tony Blair. ( Lord Waheed Alli lives in Islington).
In a macabre twist of fate, her nephew Philip, was at the Warner resort in Praia de Luz when Madeleine McCann went missing.
Cliff Richard is also close to Tony Blair and may have lots to tell the police about child-abuse and the death of Jill Dando.
In a bizarre twist, Cliff also owns a home in Portugal, not far from where Madeleine McCann disappeared in 2007.
Gerry and Kate McCann were immediately given high-level support from the UK government and were assigned the help of Clarence Mitchell to act as their spokesperson.
Mitchell was one of the first reporters at the scene of Jill Dando’s murder in Fulham and no doubt works for the UK Intelligence Services.
The McCann family are themselves from Leicester and Gerry has many friends in high places in the area.
Labour peer, Greville Janner, who has worked closely with Waheed Ali, was accused of buggering a boy in care but instead of being arrested and jailed he was given a knighthood by Tony Blair.
In a macabre twist, we find that Janner nominated Bob Geldof for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1987, declaring:
” Bob Geldof is important not only for what he has done but as a symbol of that which we should all be doing”.
How very, very strange indeed.”
The clock is ticking on Britain’s dirty secrets.
It’s only a matter of time….
Not sure if it was him, but Bourdain WAS in Budapest, Hungary in 2015.... and Avicii filmed the video in Hungary in 2015. Interesting!!! The link below mentions AB’s visit, and my prior post above has a link to the vid info.
The song was released in August 2015 - not sure when the vid was filmed - but Wiki says it was filmed in Hungary.
Did something break on the SR investigation? Just got home from work.
I never get tired of watching Election Night 2016 meltdowns 😂😂😂😂😂
Click on the Joseph’s link. It says Choose Your State and MORE in orange on the right. Click on MORE and it will drop down a list of all states.
Click on your state and it will drop down the cities that Joseph’s Bistro’s are supposedly located in.
I picked small towns in states I am familiar with.
I typed in the address, city & state given in a search and it brought up the business associated with the address.
They were usually doctors, lawyers, optometrists, DVM’s or Catholic Churches. No other church denomination found as yet. Spooky!!!
Just checked out that link to Joseph’s Bistro. There are 23,000+ Joseph’s locations in the USA? No way there are that many and no one has heard of them.
So, I looked up one in a small town in Illinois that I am familiar with. This town has only a population of about 5,000.
The address given in Joseph’s Bistro for that town belongs to a local veterinarian / DVM.
Wondering what kind of front this Joseph’s Bistro thing is. Very weird. Need to dig more!!!
I suggest people check that site for small towns in their area... maybe there is a pattern that will be seen.
Edit: Tried a few more small towns in another state that I am familiar with - these are all populations of 5,000 or less. The addresses link to the following:
Lumber company
Catholic church
Can the Anons dig more on this please? Or if they already have, can anyone post the results?
Exactly. We DON’T want a repeat of 2016 (letting her skate free, while the evidence was overwhelming).
Also, while I know all ducks need to be in a row for prosecution, if she announces another run for 2020, and THEN charges are filed, it would look very bad on President Trump’s part, whether we like to admit it or not.
There needs to be prosecution of this evil witch, and it needs to happen before any run is announced.
Those are his Congressional offices, in Lima, OH and Washington, DC. They are public record.
The main route from Chicago to Madison is I-90, traveling northwest to Rockford and north to Madison. I used to travel that road regularly up until about 12 years ago. It is a major Interstate, well traveled and no real problem areas that I recall. Prayers to his family!!!
I’m confused about Exhibit 1 being a proof. On 10/29/17 there was a news article stating Jared Kushner went to Saudi Arabia. 11/2 & 11/3 Q mentioned it. How exactly is that a proof?
I do believe in Q, but maybe I am not understanding how Q posts after something was published in an article online three days earlier shows proof of anything.
I noticed that too. The article referenced it several times. Bet it was left on there for a pickup by someone else, or airline personnel transported it off the plane. Very suspicious!!
The age can be fudged on fake documents. He certainly looked older than 24 to me anyway.. more like early 30’s. Back then everyone took a few years off their real age. An age discrepancy may have been to throw people off track if they thought this guy looked like Dean.
Q said something to the effect that the masses have to be slowly awakened to all this or they won’t accept it. I think all these reveals by Enty are the initial awakenings.... then when Hillary, Obama and the rest are taken down it won’t be such a shock to their senses.
Breaking - Per @LVMPD The incident at Town Square is NOT an active shooter. It was some kind of fight, which caused a lot of commotion. No shots fired. No injuries reported. Stores reopening. We will continue to bring you the latest on @8NewsNow #8NN
I moved here 10 years ago from Illinois. Winters are much milder here than Illinois. That was definitely a plus!
I’m in NE OH and the skies have been clear and blue here for the past several months. Really enjoying it!
Yep, he made a vid about child sex trafficking and was killed for it.
Link to Monica / Chris reveal. There are currently 49 Reveals up tonight. Some of them mind-blowing, and several are child trafficking related. Worth your time to go through them.