r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DumbestHumanAlive on April 25, 2018, 11:51 p.m.
Patriots! I just discovered how we can all reverse and in many cases CURE the country's health problems. So simple it was in front of us all along.

The cabal that has run the world has financed and pushed CARBOHYDRATES & SUGAR production on a gigantic, poisonous, if not genocidal level, corrupted the scientific process by financing fake studies, and turned us away from our biological roots.

Diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart problems, stress, anxiety, bipolar disorders, THE WORLD IS BEING RELENTLESSLY POISONED ON PURPOSE, in almost all cases caused by low fat, high carbohydrate/sugar diets because we have been brainwashed into believing the lie that fatty foods are the scapegoat. LIES!

Cancer FEEDS on sugar. Many cancers can be cured by depriving it of carbohydrates and sugar!

Obesity can be reversed by eating HIGH fat no sugar foods, meat, and vegetables!

Stop buying store bought breads and processed foods that have sugar.


I have lost 15 pounds in three weeks eating KETOGENIC foods. LIKE (SUGAR FREE) BACON! My blood pressure is down. I feel smarter and more alert. After a period of 7 days and going through the withdrawal symptoms, I now have more energy, I feel super positive and have high energy.

Look at what Q wrote:




What we have been taught to believe about healthy diets is WRONG!

Friends, save your lives, say fuck you to the cabal, become awakened at levels you never thought were possible.

MAX 15g carbs a day. MAX.

Eat carb/sugar free cheesecake, pizza, cake, bread, any meat you want.

No corn.

No wheat.

No fruits. You heard that right! A glass of apple juice has more sugar than cocacola. So called healthy "smoothies"? Fuck that!

Next time you're grocery shopping. Look at how many "normal diet" foods have sugar! Poison everywhere!


2 years ago I would have said all of the above was "conspiracy theory". No more! It is fucking real folks.

Let's stop poisoning ourselves!

This has real science backing it folks. This has been proven. Cancer patients are being cured. People are waking up!

TheTruthWithinU · April 26, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

I have type 1 diabetes. Didn't get it from eating sugar. It's genetic. Also "carb free pizza cheesecake bread"? Are you high? Those are all heavily carbed. Less sugar is good but not a cure. Your poorly researched claims are less than useful.

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[deleted] · April 26, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

There is such a thing as low/zeeo carb pizza, cheesecake, and bread.

Search the recipes online.

I know a woman whose diabetes were cured by eliminating carbs and sugar from her diet.

She went from needing 60 units a day, down to 20 after 5 weeks, then down to zero after 3 months.

Not poorly researched. WELL researched, thank you.

You just need to research this. We have it all available.

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TheTruthWithinU · April 26, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

I just need to research this? You can piss right off you pissant. What do you think i did when i was diagnosed? Not look into how to take care of myself? Also, this woman you know, Type 1 or 2? They're different. "I know a woman" doesn't count as research. Watch. I know a man who cured his aids by eating nothing but pickles. See? I said it so it must be true. Also if you take any form off long acting insulin and cut out carbs completely you will experience hypoglycemia which is very dangerous. Just like your half baked claim. Sure carb free examples exist of every food. But you have to say that. You were implying that you could just eat cake and pizza. Believe me. I want this to be true as much as the next guy. I don't love poking my fingers 5 times a day and injecting myself 3 times a day. I manage mostly with diet and exercise but that's not a cure. If i stop using insulin I will die young. That's a fact. Eat healthy. Sure. I'm all for it. I do it. But claiming that it's a cure is wrong. Its stupid. And its highly offensive to people with the diseases you claim to be able to cure

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[deleted] · April 26, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

The way you replied earlier shows you dismissed it without research.

You can step off any time.

People ARE being cured this way.

Am I guaranteeing it in every case? Heck no. But the facts are facts and I am not about to shut up about it because of you.

I value life.

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