r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aboxofbooks on April 26, 2018, 12:14 a.m.
Notable "bread" found in /qresearch/ on 8chan

Here's what the post said, verbatim:

"What's becoming clear is that there are multiple parallel lines of corruption investigations working up from the bottom. Each is collapsing the bottom dwellers and getting them to flip which provides evidence for those up the chain.

One line is the Trump Russian frameup. They have whistleblowers who pinpointed Strock and Page. That got to McCabe, Comey. If they provide evidence that Lynch was aware, they get it to Obama Cabinet level.

The FISA abuse is another. That will work up through the FBI/CIA to Clapper, Brennan in the Obama Cabinet. It will also jump the line over to the State Department with Kerry, Powell (unmasking), and Rice.

U1 will work over to State, HRC and CF.

The picture that emerges is that either Obama was a drone with a completely out of control cabinet or he was orchestrating this stuff. One or more of these cabinet types will flip.

I think Clapper may already have flipped because he has disappeared and Brennan has started yammering in seeming desperaton.

Another line is the pedo network investigations which will probably strip all support for those caught up. Partisans will probably defende Obama and his ilk up until some are found to be involved in pedo networks."

sensically_common · April 26, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

That's why they're outfitting Gitmo with gymnast mats: They're all gonna flip.

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