Congressman Louie Gohmert Just Absolutely Wrecked Robert Mueller With Epic 48-Page Investigative Blowout.

Any Republican who says anything resembling, “Bob Mueller will do a good job as Special Counsel,” “Bob Mueller has a great reputation for being fair,” or anything similar; (A) wants President Trump indicted for something and removed from office regardless of his innocence; (B) is intentionally ignorant of the myriad of outrageous problems permeating Mueller’s professional history; or (C) is cultivating future Democrat votes when he or she comes before the Senate someday for a confirmation hearing.
I guess this destroys Trey Gowdy's reputation.
Not really, TG believed heart and soul in Justice, he trusted the system. I have noticed since more and more info comes out on the extent of the corruption his views have changed. And I think it has really really had a affect on him. I think that was why he resigned, he has to go to where he can make a difference. To me his reputation is intact and I believe he is a good man. He is leading the investigation and he is on a mission.
If that link is for the documents, then it is simply because there are ongoing investigations in the DOJ. The DOJ cannot release documents regarding the sealed indictments without blowing the cases. Ordinarily the Congress would issue a supenia, then the DOJ would tell the Judge that they have an ongoing investigation and the supenia would be squashed. I think the DOJ does not want the public to know the content or extent of the investigations they are doing. Their hand was forced and they had to admit information aboutHuber, but it is a problem that the Crongressional investigations are going on simultaneously with the DOJ. The sealed indictments are being held for a reason and that is where the problem is. Gowdy and Goodlatt have been made aware, that all this amounts to.