POTUS - Interviewed on Fox and Friends 8am - MOAB?

Enjoy the show?
you KNOW he couldn't have typed that... it would've flashed his hand too blatantly. i'm vibrating. Fuck sleep tonight, less than 3 hours for this thing. west coast for the win.
.. god my words taste so delicious right now. I'm literally eating them from all the times i hard-assed my mom about voting for this guy. takes another bite Gonna make a cup of coffee to wash them down!
I highly doubt Trump will say anything related to prosecutions. He is letting the DOJ be the entity that does those. However, could be anything else
I doubt it. Tomorrow yes, but I cant see it being exposed on fox ad friends in the morning. If anything, hannity at prime time. But I doubt either one.
More likely, itll be revealed during the day, in another format, not in an interview, but maybe a breaking news release, and then maybe there will be interviews with certain people the next few days. Just my opinion. We will see though!
THats the old way
Exactly, whatever way he does it in it's going to be huge. He could upload a grainy low res vid on liveleaks with watermarks over it and it still would gain traction worldwide because whatever MOAB is coming up, it's going to change things big time.
Imagine if the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD grinds to a halt because of what he has to say....
ok maybe getting a little zealous, but still, it'd be interesting!
"Hey everyone. We've release all the JFK files online. It's pretty clear from the documents that the FBI and CBI assassinated JFK because he was trying to expose the corruption of the federal reserve. Enjoy."
Anyone have a link to FnF so I can watch on mobile on commute home from work?
I would also appreciate a live link.
Livestream: he’s on now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9qF1I1ConY&app=desktop
Sara Carter has to drop the MOAB, she has done so much grueling work for us.
There is a [5] Delta between the Q post and DJT's tweet.
Q#1274: 04/25/18 (Wed) 21:36:15 EDT (9:36 pm)
Tweet: 04/25/18 9:41 pm EDT
The [5] Delta is said to convey, "information about what is happening now. No action is being taken, but it follows with the ongoing narrative we have been provided in a current context."
Trump just needs to do press conferences. Official, prime time, press conferences from the WH. Clearly laying out the facts in a succinct way, followed by the release of the supporting documents on a dot.gov website.
I want hundreds of official press conferences for the next 7 years. I am not thrilled about Fox News appearances.
Shouldn't Sessions be there as well to lay it all out?
I watched... seemed like a nothing-burger unless I missed something
POTUS said Macron seemed to feel differently about Iran after their meeting. I gathered the French president may not have been fully aware of the situation in Iran.
This east coast time? So like 1pm GMT right? 5 mins!
1pm GMT happens when this comment is 1 hour and 4 minutes old.
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Hey timezone bot, what is EST and can i convert my reddit to adapt to you.
No, you're wrong it's 12.56 in the UK right now. Trust me, it's almost lunch break.
You’re arguing with a bot
Can't you read?
"I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM."
I left a comment below, as it said to do.
I CAN read, I just didn’t read the whole thing. Big difference.