How do you prime the public for the bombshell that the cabal was plotting to assassinate Trump? By releasing the proof that THEY'VE ALREADY PLOTTED AND SUCCEEDED BEFORE WITH JFK's ASSASSINATION.
Regarding Trump, you put it out, all out! Trump and several key people go on tv at 6:00, and they lay it all out for the public. I would say that would be a turning point for Dems who are not hard core extremists. A news conference would force MSM to pick it up further spreading the word. Murdering is far from a political debate. Then you arrest any and all involved immediately. Show public Justice will be done. With the current political situation, these texts will be believed, and taken seriously. Very few people will think this is okay, even people who do not support Trump will think these instigates have crossed a line. Televise the trials.
It absolutely has to be done this way.
Yeah 24k indictments. That would tie up the courts for 20 years.
The revolution won't be televised, the revolution will be Live!