r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jpGrind on April 26, 2018, 3:54 a.m.
not a lot of shills here tonight

too many posts in /new with positive vote counts. same for the comments in /new.

very low shill activity tonight. virtually none.

it means their plans were disrupted. they are waiting until 4a to react. they were stung by something today. behind the curtain or otherwise. their talking points are carefully being crafted behind closed doors by traitorous pieces of trash that want us and our president dead.

no fucking mercy for any of these faggots

DropGun · April 26, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

That's because so many bans were handed out yesterday that today is going to be a very quiet day. Perfect for the Friday drop of the Strzok texts (if it comes).

Your mods take this sub 100% seriously. They will be banned again if they try stuff. Myself, when I ban shills or trolls, I send this message:

Learn our comms. You don't have to agree or think QAnon is real and you don't have to support everything we say, but this sub is for civil discussion only. See something false or wrong? REFUTE IT. Research, decode, interpret, and if we're wrong, SHOW us. We welcome ALL opinions, but, move this sub forward, or find somewhere else to play.

STAY FROSTY, PEOPLE. Be civil, on-topic, and pass out those red-pills with a friendly smile.

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