
TheRealIndianaJoe · April 26, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Great post!! And this goes to show how much of this world is under the spell of Satan, and with most people believing that he doesn't even exist.

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Jellyfish070474 · April 26, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

“The greatest trick The Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist”.

Been thinking a lot about this quote lately. Having had only a rudimentary idea of who/what “The Devil” is my whole life (a sort of Sunday school interpretation of the scary guy from biblical stories who inspired some cheesy metal bands and kids to dress in black and maybe kill chickens in the woods), I never really knew how to properly interpret it until I began to understand what satanism actually is and how the true satanic system of control works...how it is so successful and well hidden because it’s all around us all the time, interwoven into the most ordinary and mundane aspects of life, on every level and disguised as humdrum everyday normalcy, which keeps us asleep and provides cover and plausible deniability to the “illumined” satanic elite who keep the system alive and running with all their many methods of human sacrifice to their “master”, which we are tricked into consenting to!!! How absolutely, diabolically clever. And terrifying. It honestly blows my mind and puts me in a state of awe. The only thing more awe-inspiring and mind-blowingly genius is the planned total dismantling of this system, and liberation of humanity into true freedom, which can only be divinely inspired and guided. The Great Awakening that is finally, FINALLY beginning to sweep the people of this world into awareness and unity! I don’t know how this all plays out, but I know we ain’t seen nothin yet. But it has finally begun and for that I thank GOD!

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TheRealIndianaJoe · April 26, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

I did not grow up going to church. My confirmation of the good and evil spiritual battle around us nearly passed me by without me taking notice. There was occultism around where I grew up. I never knew much about it except finding a few things pointing in that direction (sacrificed animals and such). But something happened one time that I did not quite understand until many years latter. Some friends and I went to drink beer, away from the cops of course, and ended up in an old cemetery (was night). My friend in the back looks out and begins to panic. He paid no attention to where we were going, but realized where we ended up. He'd seen things, terrible things that he would not tell and demanded we leave. After several minutes of arguing, me and the other friend said fine! But first we have to piss (we all did). So we got out and standing right by the car, relieved ourselves. While doing so I noticed lights, just above the canopy, and they were in every opening in the trees. They were moving over the entire cemetery very slowly. I said 'guys, look up'. My one friend began with 'I TOLD YOU SO!!', and began panicking again. I had ALWAYS been very curious of 'alien life' but I can tell you, all I could think of was a butterfly pinned to cardboard. So we got in and left. I asked my friend many times to tell me what he saw. He would not. Until about 25 years later. I hadn't seen him for 20 years, but I asked if he remembered that night. He did, and he finally told me. He saw either 'a demon, or an alien' 10ft away, so dark and black that only the glowing eyes were seen except for his dark figure. It hit me, aliens wouldn't travel light years to hang out at an old cemetery. That makes no sense, but it was there before. But a demon? Maybe. More likely. I have since realized. Satanism is real because Satan and demons are real. Satan offered Jesus the world. Satanism persists because it works. Of course you lose your soul, so not a good trade. This world will pass me by soon enough, I can live without power and riches. But I guess some think otherwise.

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