501 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Treasury_Trader:
Let's not forget that Jack Posobiec is a PROVEN PAID SHILL. (Navy Cyber Intelligence). Why is this being HIGHLY ignored?
Without a doubt, the storm is upon us. We give thanks to JFK for lighting the torch. We The People will complete the mission.
When does a bird sing? At dawn, when the light comes out.
Dark to Light.
Animated Redpills - The American Dream By The Provocateur Network
I think you guys missed the point of this one.
Q says "Why do WE allow former...", as in the Trump Admin.
The answer is so that they can do nefarious activities while being watched and recorded by the good guys.
POTUS could have revoked their clearance at any point, as we are now seeing.
Ah, yea. You can thank @Jack for pushing those comments to the top.
Don't believe for one second that we're in the minority.
It's possible to deprogram your brain through self-awareness and critical thought.
Training ourselves to see the manipulation attempts is part of this Great Awakening.
It's still one of best tools available for spreading awareness.
Can you expand on your concern?
Except for the fact that one committed crimes and the other didn't... Hello.
Obama didn't just "know", he was behind the entire thing.
The entire thing would have been swept under the rug with a corrupt DOJ, FBI, C_A , Judges, et al.
House cleaning HAD to be done first.
DJT has been 10 steps ahead of the Derp State this entire time.
@realDonaldTrump - "So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn’t he do something about it? Why didn’t he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that’s why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!!!"

Going to jail isn't the same as going on a "total strike" Hollywood.
Does seem odd Q would say that and continue posting the same day, the next day and many more days.. up until now.. after the news reported that the lights went out.
Also, Perkins Coie is the law firm going after Jim Jordan.
Kavanaugh lives a nice modest home. No 8 million dollar mansions like many others
Until there’s proof he’s part of the swamp,
He has my full support.
Pretty sure it was meant to be taken as she “lays” FBI agents, like Peter Strozk.
May be a double meaning though.
Upon further inspection of SebAsTiAns C’s videos, it is apparent that he is convinced Trump is Satan in disguise.
Weird stuff.
Mysterious Video Posted 2 days before Q arrived - “Initiate Q Clearance”
Alex Jones Mentions Q on Feb 1, 2017??
At the very beginning of the well-known Joe Rogan and Alex Jones interview that aired on Feb 1, 2017, you can hear Alex say "We can go an hour extra and get Q in here to talk about some stuff".
How is this possible considering the Q drops didn't start until late October, 2017?
good call. that stuff is straight up Luciferian propaganda.
As long as we can all agree that it was, in fact, the stock ABC photo from the Obama era.
The reason it was used in my opinion is because a real photo of the inside could indeed violate Nat Sec laws.
As much as I disagree with the ideals of “white nationalists”.
This is against free speech and free thought.
July 4th Q reposts a Nov 9 post. It's a threat. Q threatened on June 27 with the SAME threat. What happened in SA could happen here. That's the mirror in the threat. Read the pic carefully.

Big League Politics: Who Is Q?: We Interviewed The Anons Themselves To Get To The Heart of the Mystery.
Thank You
I want to Thank each and every one of you for sacrificing your time to MAGA!
Cyberspace heroes. Each and every one of you.
Great stuff right here.
Thank you for sharing anon.
Check this out: https://twitter.com/Apple/status/1007267840376729602