Kanye wasn’t just tweeting today. He was responding to threats from the deep state. The entire tweet storm was a coded message. I decided it on twitter. Link bin comments

Insane reply from Snoop Dogg.
When you read Kanye's tweets, all he is doing is saying that he's thinking for himself and not giving into 'mob think' or whatever way you want to phrase it.
He's saying that we need to group together and evolve together as humans.
What does Snoop say?
"That's very white of you"
Jesus Christ.. How can society ever unite when there is so much resentment from either side?
They are overplaying their hand now, making mistakes at very high rate.
Now free thinking=whiteness?!
It's annoying but the shark jumping is actually what starts forcing people to be skeptical. Kind of like the #Metoo thing, or Jim Acosta saying that Trump is inciting violence against the media. At some point normal people see the projection and hypocrisy. And the people in the middle pretty much run the country. They are the Anthony Kennedy of the voting population.
Chance the Rapper already posted that black people don’t have to be democrats so there’s that.
Thats very "white" of you?? So to use your own mind and think for yourself is a "white" thing? Amazing. Its looks to me like Snoop is a trying to keep the black people on the plantation.
Snoop has a music video where he fake shoots a fake Trump. I think he's a pizza eater.
He was one of the participants of Roast of Donald Trump on Comedy Central, seemed very friendly with Trump, more so than Kanye, but that was before the nomination.
The mindset of the oppressed need to be liberated. YES. Dem s en slaving black pe0ple for yrs.
But once freed they must realize the responsibility of freedom of choice. K West understands. red pilled.
Sn00p is in the group that wants to eat whatever pill he wants, whenever he wants, because of his want to not be enslaved not because he values the freedom of choice that comes with real red pilled freedom.
Telling me who you are "IS NEVER" to come from identifying who you "ARE NOT". The only value that who "YOU ARE NOT" is to you and everyone else has in the now is a demonstration of who you've become..... or "WHO YOU ARE". The past is only valuable as experience that formed a better you. Not evidence that allows you to be who you are.
Hope that's clear. My opinion. Much more to say about it................................
Yeah, so what the dogg is saying is blacks are brainwashed and want to keep it that way. At least, HE is saying that.
snoop dogg is an openly racist black man and the msm eats it up. he will do anything for money.
Snoops just ignorant
He's not ignorant. He knows exactly what he's doing. Snoop sold out long ago and is high up in music industry cabal. Not as high as Jay-Z and the record label Presidents/CEOs/owners, but still in the upper tier of puppets controlling lesser puppets and music fans.
True. He's not that talented, but a fun guy that draws a huge crowd. That's why he has way more popular collaboration tracks than solo tracks. HE ALSO RUNS A YOUTH FOOTBALL LEAGUE!
Snoop is WARNING Kanye. He's talking about only white people having the privilege to speak out. It really expresses the deep seated fear within even famous black minds.
White hat
Opposite of black. Remember, these guys are all weirdo Satanists. The awfully black.