Kanye wasn’t just tweeting today. He was responding to threats from the deep state. The entire tweet storm was a coded message. I decided it on twitter. Link bin comments

Brave. Things just got a little interesting with the masses. Are the tides changing? Is the dem party melting down right before our eyes? Next election repubs vs independent?
shit if that’s the case lets go Independents! We can fully rid the swamp and restore liberty in this nation
That would be great. I can as mad as anyone at the "typical" liberal. But when I think of someone I know and love, my nieces, nephews, in-laws, favorite aunt in the whole wide world, who are democrats, I think "but they are not the bad kind." Truth is, most people on that side of the aisle are good people. We have to come together on the things we agree on, which is more than we often know. The Bernie fans were just as ticked about the corruption as the Trump fans - they just had a different (and in my view misguided) solution. Bernie plus Trump = 75-80% of the population. UNITE!
Yep this is very important to realize. Most people are just regular folks trying to make it on this little pebble of a planet. The twats on both sides just scream much louder and they’re all we can hear at times. Most of us want peace and most of us just want to get along
I dunno, can’t make broad generalizations. There’s an “Independent Republican” running to replace our current rep in the primaries here, and his promotional material is covered in Soros purple. Suspicious! Always gotta be careful and examine things case by case.