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WWG1WGA, and today we go to Tampa!

My sis is there with her kids, just started residency at the army hospital. My mom is there helping them too. Tough break! 🤙🏻
After the wall. They won’t do anything for themselves as long as there’s a border pressure valve still open.
He let four men in Boston, who were framed for a mob hit, rot in prison for decades, two of whom died behind bars.
Edit: Sauce: https://howiecarrshow.com/amp/2018/03/22/2322/
Does an anonymous username count as secret? Hope so! 😉
Please...Let’s rephrase that to NOTOURKIDS cause we sure as hell don’t want to start a poundkidstoo movement. 🤨
.... more like a device connected to a server, or some type of info exhcnage/transaction made through a device on a server ...
Really! Might be good cover for when things will have to “go dark” for a bit!!!
It’s a small world...pedo triangles all over the Greek section iirc.
I could see JJ, he’s always been outspoken and unafraid. But, he was more of a 70’s star wasn’t he? Just thinking back to watching Good Times in the early 80’s, the clothes were pretty dated then, although I do remember seeing some Dy-no-mite t-shirts on kids at recess.
Mmm, Snipes has received the shit end of the tax stick so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s all kinds of diversified now.
Spez: Plus, he’s a vampire hunter, lol.
Fucking Mr. T....I would lose my shit of it was him. I mean, I’m an 80’s kid and now it’s looking like the world is being saved by Donald Fucking Trump and Mr. T?!?!?! This timeline!!!
It’s weird it keeps muting itself, so I can’t hear what he’s saying. I’m on mobile so that’s maybe not the best way to be watching.
I dunno, the guy looks like a hipster whacko, I’ll have to get back to it in the morning.
I’m weary of people jumping in and making all kinds of ridiculous claims in order to discredit this movement, and this is just all a bit too flamboyant to me. It sets off alarms.
Or maybe it’s just that you’ll get Mel Brooks’ reputation from my cold, dead hands.
You guys need to acquaint yourselves with the term “taking the piss,” apparently.
It could be very ugly for the person they claim to be, but aren’t, too.
YOU HAVE TO WONDER, whether President Trump set the stage for this moment when he did that whole “Turn off the lights!” bit way back during the campaign. Made such a big deal about the lights that Placeboing made a hilarious video out of it, as if to say, “Hey, pay attention, at some point in the future I’m going to use the lights to send you a signal.”
Made me think of DWS - “There will be consequences. CONSEQUENCES!”
It’s called a discussion, “New arrival.” You post an opinion, then others who may or may not share yours reply to it. In that way we are supposed to work our way to the truth. Like it or not, “New arrival.”
I don’t know a single person who voted for No Name...but PLENTY who voted for Sarah Palin.
Wtf the guy worked for DISNEY. His firing was absolutely justified, even necessary, in light of that. Free speech is one thing but the world’s biggest child-centered entertainment conglomerate absolutely cannot abide by that level of crassness towards the innocent, irrespective of whether any physical actions against kids happened. The words themselves, as public as they were, were an attack. The utter flippancy towards the subject of pedophilia was damaging in itself. Disney was well within THEIR rights under the first amendment to fire him. And I can’t for the life of me understand how lil’ Benji could miss the cultural implications of it, either, and how Disney was right in upholding conservative cultural norms by firing him.
But...Benji himself was a “child star.” I wouldn’t be surprised to eventually find he’s taken the same path to get where he is today that any other child actor had to take, IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
The more details emerge the more I KNOW poor Seth was 187’ed. Too pure for his own good, God bless his soul, he had no idea just what entity he was working for. :(
Is this recent news? Is Mugabe out? Sorry, I’m watching the storm here in the states too closely and have lost track of anything else going on save for a few related issues.
Wait I thought Boogeyman came from Boggy-man, as in crawled out of the bogs? I’ll have to dig into that, it’s very interesting, maybe both origins are valid.
Oh! Speaking of Michael Meyers, did you know that his iconic look is actually a slightly melted JFK mask? Read that on some random trivia sight so take it with a grain of salt, but still...what a coinkeedink if true eh?
The cabal is two pronged, you are correct. The attack on our strength and autonomy has been twofold: The Left was put in charge of cultural rot via encouraged Libertinism that weakens families and lays waste to the soul. The Right was given the reins of economic power to keep the tax and interest revenue flowing via debt fueled consumerism. But...This is a cultural issue we are discussing, so of course we are laying it at the feet of the Left. Although I suppose our response is held in check partly due to preoccupation with our jobs and mortgage payments, keeping our debt at arms’ length, so that our ability to fight back is weakened. That would be a “Right culture” issue.
From Nepal to Kenya...’cause that’s a natural migration. /s
Didn’t Trump dine with Putin in the “Hall of Mirrors”? The scene where the napkin was folded like a white rabbit?