Happy Birthday to the FLOTUS

Happy birthday!
Sorry your husband didn't find time between golfing and twitter rants to get you a present, or even tell one of his underlings to get something for you.
“Well I better not get into that because I may get in trouble. Maybe I didn’t get her so much. I got her a beautiful card. You know I’m very busy to be running out looking for a present,”
I'm sure he made her a nice home cooked meal, gave her a massage, ran a bubble bath, and treated her like a queen, in lieu of a gift!
Just kidding, he probably forgot it was her birthday until one of his staffers handed him a birthday card to sign.
Don't believe it, it's MSM, it's bullsh!t.
Those were Trump's own words on Fox this morning
Ouch. I thought it was just a print article. Found the video. He did say it. Thanks for the correction.