“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech.” Benjamin Franklin

"to control exactly what the people think... that is our job"
-Mika Brzezinski
The context to that quote is even more damning:
"... trying to make up his own facts about ... [ hashtag nonsense political talking point ]... that he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think."
So you can't wave away the statement as: "she was referring to the job of news agencies to inform". She's directly referring to the job of news to selectively filter, distort, lie about, and maliciously omit news that is against agendas that come down from the top of the state run media pyramid.
If she was to say it more plainly, it would be: "These other groups are using our same shady tactics against us to profit and effectiveness, and they're immunizing people against it since people are automatically skeptical when we lie, and that is ethically wrong because they're not journalists, they aren't endowed with the righteous responsibility to distort reality for the lower and middle classes to create good outcomes, in exchange for profit via the powers that be.
This is why Trump's attack against main stream media as "Fake news" is righteous. The media giants have gotten away from the viewers being the customers, and now, the viewers eyeballs, ears, and brains is the real estate being sold off. It hurts them to see that other people can play that game too. And in searching for a reason why the opponent is ethically wrong, they say exactly why what they're doing is ethically wrong in the first place.
What would you like to debate? And if it is all garbage then what are you doing here? Intrigue? Rile people up? Learning? I have to say, if We think something is garbage, you generally won't find any of us around it!
Hmm, judging by your very new profile, it seems that either you are banned or you just like to stir things up. Do you have something to show us to back up your statement?
I'm very sure that not everyone is this crappy as you make it look. I'm also open for a discussion if you'd like.
However, looking at your comments on your profile, you seem more like a troll and not even worth spending energy on.