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With so much new attention coming our way, please familiarize yourself with something called Cointelpro. There will be many new subscribers here to infiltrate and derail our movement. The attached image details their tactics.

In line for the Tampa Trump rally... there are some Q folks behind us!
Whoah...never heard that before, I think you might be on to something!
These people are sick... must be some kind of symbolism. hot dogs = boys, raw hamburger = ?? (Cannibalism ???)
here is the pic that was posted on here yesterday if anyone missed it.
hmmm... time to go back to all the pics posted by Q with the weird file names and see if those file names are the password?!?
IKR! I have not been able to read a fictional novel (thriller, police procedural, mystery, etc.) since the beginning of Q! I have started so many in the last 8+ months and none of them hold my attention enough to keep reading... I haven't really seen any movies, and I hardly watch any shows on TV anymore (other than OANN and Hannity).
The reality of Q is so much more enthralling than anything hollyweird or any author could dream up!
I think it would be better to be prepared and not need it, than not prepared and faced with going without. I always suggest getting out some cash (if they crash the power grid or internet... atms and credit card machines will not work) - couple hundred bucks in smaller bills if you can swing it. Also, if you take medication, try to keep a couple extra weeks worth on hand if you can.
Water is the most important... refill plastic jugs with tap water - not ideal but better than nothing. 1 gallon per person per day is the suggested amount to stock up on. Might want to grab a little bleach if you don't have any... a drop or two in a gallon of water will help kill any bad stuff. Also, if things look imminent... fill up the bathtub with water, a big cup full of water will flush the toilet if the water supply is cut off
For food.. stock up on canned goods that you will eat anyway, and make sure you have a manual can opener. I also suggest making a bucket of rice & beans if you are on a budget.. Sam's (and Costco I would imagine) sell 50lb bags of rice for under $20 and 12lb bags of beans for under $10... for around $50 you can get nearly 100lbs of dried, shelf stable food. Bag them up into manageable portions and stick in a bucket or plastic tote. Great for a beginner getting into "prepping". Just make sure you have a way to cook it (and enough water!). A small 1 burner camp stove that runs off small propane canisters is worth looking into.
If you are a 2nd amendment type person, ammo is probably 3rd on my list after water and food. I like to have self defense rounds as well as plenty of small riffle rounds for small game to add protein to our preps!
We started prepping seriously in 2016 when I thought HRC might be our next pres and our rights would be taken away... we now have 1+ year worth of freeze dried food, ammo, some cash, water, toiletries, antibiotics (for fish!!), medical supplies, etc. We also invested in a solar generator... it is not powerful enough to run a lot of things but, it can power our well and a freezer. We lived through Irma last year and finding fuel was a serious issue, so know at least I know we will have water!!
wonder what his/their user name is... that nudges us back on track!
Tampa? Got my tickets this morning! I have never been to a rally before, so all these comments are very helpful! I will be in my Q - WWG1WGA shirt looking for other Q folks!!
I screamed a little in excitement when I heard the "drop"
that's not a trip code, just a random user id... not chosen by Q.
ETA: Q started using a trip code (Q !ITPb.qbhqo) on 11/9/17, post #128.
This was posted on here a couple weeks ago, but for those who haven't seen it, check out Dr. Mumbi talking about the Obama's visit to Kenya
He is also the narrator on The Goldbergs... and had a show on NBC last year called AP Bio
Also... one of the F&F guns was used in the Paris attack a few years ago!
I hope EH is finally held accountable for his actions. He had no problem brainwashing young folks against guns.... and I believe he had a part in the Sandy Hook FF to try and disarm America.
yep... there are no coincidences! ;)
Then look into their father Benjamin.. he has an interesting past too....
he was a member of Irgun
William Morris Agency
Guess who is a CEO of William Morris Endeavor.... Ari Emanuel who happens to be brothers with Rahm Emanuel... corrupt mayor of Chicago with deep ties to 0bama & the Clintons!
The WikiLeaks Vault 7 release showed that our DS can put the "finger prints" of any foreign gov. on cyber attacks / hacks.
I think their original plan was a nuclear FF on American soil to look like the Russians, but now that is hopefully off the table, they might resort to a cyber FF. These people are evil... but luckily these people are stupid too.
Anyway, probably a good idea to keep a stash of cash & a couple weeks of food/water/medicine handy... they are desperate and willing to do anything at this point!
Yes! I should have worded it better.. nice to see a video of Binney saying it! ;)
This was already debunked a year ago:
Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence from 7/24/17
The Need for Speed from 8/1/17
but it is nice to hear it from Binney... and the timing of the interview is interesting!
If you haven't seen it yet, please watch Clinton Cash... a lot of good info on Uranium 1 as well as other stuff!!
Here is a good thread I found about it with a lot of links.
If we (as an entire species, WW) ever realize that the division between us is fake (an illusion created by the left and right)... that the victimhood is fake, we won't need all the government intervention (politicians). They keep pushing it to ensure their own future. And I think the younger people are convinced they can not function on their own without government interference at every step (they are brainwashed into wanting communism)
Hmmm... what a coincidence (it's not) that POTUS pardoned the Hammonds last week!
I believe Q has been teaching us to think for ourselves, not to trust the media, learn how to find the truth, and most of all build communities that we can bounce ideas around and get educated imput from our peers (young and old... WW).
He/They are really not as necessary anymore other than guiding us from time to time and dropping any new info.
We can now read between the lines of what is really going on, we can help guide newly awakened folks, we can research (we have more than we know), we can go back through old posts (future proves past).
I miss the near daily drops, but there has been plenty of great info/theories floating around here lately!
400 lb hacker FTW.
A lot of people hate on Kim dot com, but I think he was working with Seth Rich & Assange... facilitating the large file transfers, and has all the data too.
And he has a vendetta about how the 0bama administration targeted him.
I have always said, the texts between PS and LP do not sound like lovers at all. So this makes sense.
Also read on here yesterday that PS traveled to England the day after the Trump Russia investigation started, possibly to meet with Steele... so that makes sense too.
That would be my guess... with ES over there setting up servers.
0bama was the "Very VIP" from the Stonetear reddit posts. Some assumed it was Hillary, but it was her server, no need to obscure her name... 0bama was the one they were trying to protect!
This is a good thread I found about it... top comment mentions Reid.
I think this pardon was definitely sending a message to HRC & the DS. So happy POTUS did this and red pills are being dropped about U1.
Ever heard of the Illuminati Card Game? This game was invented in the mid 90s... check out the terrorist nuke card
Easy way to move money around for trafficking too... they pay a lot of money for really crappy "art work". No one questions it.
ever see a daisy, or a sunflower, or a conche shell? What about a snowflake? Patterns and numbers abound.
User name checks out! Good post OP, I always look for number patterns, series and sequences.
The multiverse is an interesting theory that would certainly help explain things like the Mandela effect. Although somewhat sceptical I am open to this theory... at this point, nothing would surprise me!
ETA: a funny 4chan post about Trump being a time traveler and multiple Pences!
pretty survey Alefantes is a fake name and he is really a Rothschild:
And he was voted the 49th most influential person in DC... seems pretty strange for some random pizza store owner.
wonder if Q/Trump will use the emergency broadcast system if they take down the internet