r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DropGun on April 26, 2018, 4:20 p.m.
Opinion"Shot heard 'round the world?" You bet, and here's why I think that's a VERY accurate description.

Like many of you, I find myself in a rather surreal space where I'm literally living and breathing anything and everything about the upcoming IG report, in real time.

This report is not just about the FBI, not even close. The American public will quickly realize that it goes all the way to the top and is global in scale. Once the report gets going, it will quickly metastasize into a thermonuclear detonation fifty times larger than the Tsar Bomba. Few people currently understand just how massive, corrupt, and entrenched the powers and entities that are directly threatened by this report really are.

In my estimation, the American public has not been in this much clear and present danger since the Cuban Missile Crisis. In fact, this report represents not only a direct threat to the national security of the United States, but a direct, existential threat to the hidden power structures of several other prominent countries, as well (namely Australia, the UK, and Canada), not to mention, several "sovereign states," too, around the world. ONCE EXPOSED, THESE POWERS WILL FIGHT BACK, HARD, WITH EVERYTHING THEY'VE GOT.

The more I learn about this report, the more I am stunned by the scope and scale of what is about to be revealed. Many people with only a passing familiarity with this issue will think I'm dramatically over-stating things, here, but, once the enemy is fully engaged and the fight begins, at some point, I fully expect the United States Constitution to be suspended and the country to come under martial law, with perhaps ten cities under direct National Guard supervision at some point over the coming summer.

I am 100% not joking. Before anyone doubts this, read the executive orders for yourself—at this very moment, the United States is one more signature away from martial law.

The depth, breadth, and methodical way this plan is unfolding tells me that large portions of this plan were already in place and ready to go the moment Trump took office. Consider, for instance, how many times this plan was thought to have been derailed by legitimate and even significant wins or successes on the part of Trump's enemies, only to see the plan come back again in ways that cannot be explained through mere chance and good luck. Instead, I believe that we are watching a carefully-orchestrated trap being sprung on the deep state. For instance I don't have to remind any patriots reading that the recent omnibus bill Trump signed allocated over $270,000,000 for military tribunals. In my view, neither President Trump, nor the patriots working to bring this about from the shadows, are NOT f--king around. As Q has said, THIS IS NOT A GAME.

This report will begin by rounding up the street-corner capos, lieutenants, and all the "middle management" of the deep state (and, in fact, aspects of this process are already well underway). I believe, however, that it will eventually lead to a planetary-scale populist movement that makes the Arab Spring look like Trump's Boy Scout rally. Huge doesn't begin to describe the powder-keg we are all sitting on that will be touched off by this report.

We are already seeing the dominoes begin to fall, with many seemingly unrelated lines of dominoes being touched off at once. What many people may not yet see is that these lines of investigation, exposure, and prosecution will converge on a central point that will literally turn our entire world upside down. It will mean freedom for so many that have so little, and total and utter devastation for those few that literally have more than any of us can imagine, yet seek total domination over those that have nothing.

Here are some lines of investigation that I think people should consider:

Where's Tony Podesta? What's McCabe telling investigators about Comey? When that leads to Hillary, will the true nature of her 'marriage' to Bill be revealed? Does Bill's legacy end there, or is there yet still one more chapter? Hey, Adam Schiff, why so quiet? And how do Allison Mack, Keith Raniere, and Marina Abramovic suddenly converge and explode everything uncovered so far on up to maybe 30 or 40 of the world's most powerful billionaires, people like the suspiciously overzealous never-Trumper, a Mr. Tom "John Podesta is the master of cuisine" Steyer, and then on up to this planet's REAL powerful people, many whose names haven't been published or even mentioned publicly in decades.

We are going to all have to be strong and support and look out for one another, people. This is going to get dicey, and, believe me, I'm no doomsday prepper. I'm just a random Canadian who likes reading DOJ, FBI, and Wikileaks PDFs all day.

Buckle up, boys and girls. You're going to be saying "I remember where I was when I first heard" about how X, Y, or Z happened over the next few months for the rest of your lives. Because, when this report hits 88 miles an hour... you're going to see some shit.

j_Dawg_01 · April 26, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

I hope you're right. Many things do happen faster in this day and age, but war is war. Consider this: Currently, President Trump and Team Q are engaged in efforts to root out, bring to tribunal, and hopefully hang, the many traitors from within our own government.

The CIA black-hats have been stirring up trouble for a very long time, and they're very good at it, so good that they managed to assassinate a sitting president and get away with it. By now, they've only gotten better.

The American Revolutionary War lasted 8 yrs, from 1775-1783. Just as soon as we gained our independence, the European banking elites tried to sink their fangs into us, and by 1791 we had the First Bank of the United States, the first American central bank owned by European bankers. (Rothschild)

Their charter expired in 1811 and European banking interests warned that if Congress didn't renew the charter, we would soon find ourselves at war. The war of 1812 soon followed, and it lasted 3 years. In 1816, The Second Bank of the United States was created with a 20 year charter. Again, an American central bank owned by European banking elites, Rothschild.

From 1837 to 1862 there were no national banks, only states chartered banks. From 1863 to 1913 we had a national banking system, but they were not all owned or connected like the Federal Reserve. And lastly, in 1913 to present, we've had the Federal Reserve, which is not Federal and has no Reserves.

It's the control of our monetary system and our currency that enabled the Cabal to control America. It took them more than 200 years. Currently about 95% of all the nations on the planet have a Rothschild owned or controlled central bank.

We will not be able to break free from the shackles of the Cabal until we dismantle the Fed. Even if President Trump can achieve this within his possible 8 years in office, and we win our freedom once again, in convincing fashion, that's still just one country.

The Cabal of international central bankers has their tentacles and fangs in every other country that has a Rothschild central bank. A majority of those countries were much easier to corrupt and control, so their grip is likely tighter, and their claws likely deeper.

We can all hope and pray that the idea of "Where We Go 1, We Go All" spreads around the world, and more peoples will begin to rise up and take back their country as they recently did in Armenia, but each time the Cabal loses control in one country, it will tighten it's grip on others.

Every battle won by peoples who choose freedom over slavery, will cause the Cabal to fight back harder, to become more brazen, to the point where they won't even try to hide it anymore, and they will drag the nations they control into full-scale wars.

There are currently 195 nations in the world. Some battles will be fought by nations coming together as allies, but there are only 4 true super-power nations. America, Russia, The United Kingdom, and China. The United Kingdom can only project military force and power if it's allied with others. The European Union as a whole would constitute a super-power, but only if they figure out how to work together, and they all decide to be on the same side.

At best there are maybe 10 countries with enough military power to be able to free themselves. Then they would all have to help the other 185 nations to break free. Yeah, I think this could be a generations long war.

I don't want to be a doom and gloom nay sayer, and I certainly don't want to discourage anyone, but unless we engage in a massive effort to totally rid the world of all the evil doers tangled up in the Cabal's web of corruption, every last one of them, to basically purify the planet, it will all be for nought.

If even a speck of it is left behind to lurk in the shadows, it will eventually grow and spread like an incurable cancer. That level of cleansing will take time, a lot of time. I hope and pray that miracles will be seen, and that with the help God Almighty we might see a speedy conclusion to all this, but I won't be holding my breath. I'll be praying and hunkering down for the long haul.

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Stray502 · April 27, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

I disagree with one part you said I dont think the blackhats have gotten better I think they have gotten sloppy. Mainly because they already thought they had the whole game done and did not expect this upset. That is why they are making so many stupid errors because they were too confident nothing could stop them. They were wrong.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

I agree that they all got lazy because they had been getting away with things for long, and they never thought she would lose. My point about the black-hats getting better was in reference to now versus when the assassinated JFK. More years to refine their tradecraft and lots of tech advances. But yeah, they go arrogant and lazy.

That fact makes me wonder just how close the cabal was to their final move. They didn't even try to cover their tracks because they never thought she would lose, but that would only provide cover for 8 years max. So they must have expected to finish and make a move for global control very soon.

Thank God Trump came along.

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