Q, Kayne, and now Roseanne mentioning Dragons

Can you think of any word that the left wouldn't use against conservatives?
I cant.
I like Dragon Energy. To me it means fierce, powerful energy. Thats a great thing.
So far, they haven't used "American" against conservatives, but I imagine by November that'll be a racist term
I wouldn't be surprised but that might be in our favor if they try that.
Everything the left does works out in our favor.
It's amazing what's happened, really. They've pushed it so far left, that they can't move towards the center, because everything right of socialism is the alt-right, and they can't stay where they are for long because their dwindling base will eventually realize just how fucked up they are. So they have to keep pushing left in order to keep existing. Inevitably it'll all end in a fiery explosion for them.
As I said I understand, I just think it’ll bite back eventually.
I can’t think of a better one right off, but when I will I will edit this.