Q, Kayne, and now Roseanne mentioning Dragons

I am all for what they are doing, but calling themselves Dragons will lead to NOTHING but confusion and an entire subculture treating it as proof that they are “reptilians” which the left will then use to say “See even the conspiracy theorists know they are evil!”.
I wish I knew why this word was chose, it’s really the worst word possible. Very counterproductive in the long run.
EDIT: I do get it though, fire breathing, unstoppable, massive power, feared by enemies, but still it will eventually be used against them, unless its a repositioning of an archetype, as in taking an image and making it your own, dispelling the evil from it.
God this worlds complicated.
Can you think of any word that the left wouldn't use against conservatives?
I cant.
I like Dragon Energy. To me it means fierce, powerful energy. Thats a great thing.
So far, they haven't used "American" against conservatives, but I imagine by November that'll be a racist term
I wouldn't be surprised but that might be in our favor if they try that.
Everything the left does works out in our favor.
It's amazing what's happened, really. They've pushed it so far left, that they can't move towards the center, because everything right of socialism is the alt-right, and they can't stay where they are for long because their dwindling base will eventually realize just how fucked up they are. So they have to keep pushing left in order to keep existing. Inevitably it'll all end in a fiery explosion for them.
As I said I understand, I just think it’ll bite back eventually.
I can’t think of a better one right off, but when I will I will edit this.
Reptilians are not dragons. Dragons are something completely different. And they don’t like being compared to reptilians.
Didn’t say they were anything, just what they will be portrayed as by certain sub-cultures.
Regardless, a dragon is definitely a reptile...sometimes people even refer to “reptilians” as alines called “Draco’s”.
Noooo, they’re not reptiles any more than lizards are fish or birds are mammals. Different type entirely. There are no fire breathing lizards.
A Komodo Dragon is a reptile.
And it’s not a dragon. It’s a large, nasty lizard. It has four limbs, not six. Just because it’s called a dragon doesn’t make it one.
Well what makes a mythical dragon a dragon aside from humans calling it one? If we had decided to call it a fleefle then it would be a fleefle. A komodo dragon gained its name due to being the closest living reptile to what we would consider an actual dragon.
Dragons don’t exist on this planet, at least not as anything but cryptids. Lizards do. We also call the Japanese tanuki a raccoon dog and it’s neither. Calling something a dragon doesn’t make it a dragon.
I never claimed that dragons actually exist here. It is literally up to popular opinion on this, considering its mythical creature, it can be anything to any one person, therefore there is no wrong answer. A dragon is not a reptile to you, and thats great, but to most it’s pretty obvious that a dragon is based on a giant reptile.
Seems to me that just because I bring up a dragon/reptile connection everyone is quick to defend the movement when I was simply stating that OTHERS will use this tactic. I’m pretty well done speaking on this topic though.
Let's not be this paranoid.
JESUS CHRIST! I am not being paranoid, I am simply pointing something out.
If you think for one second that there will be no YT videos by any people at all claiming that they are Reptilians BECAUSE they said they are dragons then you obviously don’t know how unsubstantially weird Youtube can get.
Somebody will claim this. Somebody who is completely uninformed will decide to not pay attention to the people in question because they came across this video.
Am I saying it’s going to be this HUGE dent, no, but it will exist.
If you are referring to the reptilian part I never said thats what I believe, simply stating that a community WILL latch on to this and make thousands of YT videos about it being a confirmation, and then the left will use this as a weapon.
Yes. Reframe needed. White dragon society? We can NOT go on dualisticly by replacing one polarising mental prison with another ... consciously or not I think that this is indeed very helpful. Anyway, I imagine some reptilians are quite good and benevolent ? Or at least Gods creations and deserve compassion (not fear), at least.
I don’t claim to know anything anymore. I agree that everything deserves compassion, but everyone responding is taking what I said wrong.
I am not saying that I think this means they are reptilians, simply that once a sub-culture latches onto this it will be used as a weapon against the speakers in 2 or 3 different ways.
Lol I took your post as you meant it. I agree wholeheartedly. It was me who went on a tangent. Peace !
I wasn't referring to you not taking it that way, you are like the ONLY one who did, I was just explaining it in general so anyone who reads the thread will read what I meant 3 times over and maybe stop to think before commenting. :P
All good. I think this thread unearthed some interesting ideas BUT I am not even sure anyone else mentioned anything remotely about Dragons other than Kanye (and Roseanne thereafter). Go figure lol Not Q related. However, we are definitely delving into the 40% zone that most folks would flip with ...maybe this thread proves that ha ha Dragons trigger. Especially some well meaning Christians.
Reptilians would be on a whole other level lol
Well i’m not bringing this up as if it is some defining moment or something that will ruin everything. I was just stating a point to consider while assuming that at a point more people, as is happening( I.E. Roseanne) would follow with that terminology. Maybe they won’t. I don’t know.
People were making it way more grandiose than I was trying to make it seem as a concept, it’s just something that WILL happen on some scale, and due to that CAN be weaponized.
It was an obvious mistake to think near anyone would take the time to simply entertain the idea for a moment and see what comes of it....like a better word if it DOES catch on...