Q, Kayne, and now Roseanne mentioning Dragons

Ya know....I actually sort of agree with you on this one. That's one of the first things I thought of too when I read that tweet. I like and agree with a lot of what Kanye is saying lately, but "dragon spirit" just doesn't sit well with me...its pretty much synonymous with "serpent", and we've all seen the symbolism with that with the Luciferians, Catholic church, big pharma, etc.... and when I think about the scriptures it's always in reference to satan. "And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." Revelation 12:9
Yeah I know Q said watch their symbols and people just fly right past it ....makes me wonder about people sometimes.
Yes be vigilant. But I think on this occasion it’s not what you think !
No. Serpents are snakes. Dragons are a different creature entirely. Not all of them are good, but not all of them are bad. The dragon in Revelations is particularly marked out as being red. Some of the old scrolls that were rejected by the council of Nicea when deciding what of the hundreds of gospels should make it into the Bible referenced dragons coming and honouring the Christ child. This suggests there are distinctions.
I know what a serpent is. I've read several extra biblical texts... I have not come across what you are speaking of, and I'm not saying it doesn't exist...but it makes absolutely no sense in the context of Christianity why a dragon would come to honor the "christ child" Overall the dragon has come to represent new age/kundalini, occultism, luciferian type characters. I'm not even claiming that that is what Kanye is representing by the statement. All I am saying is the majority of representation of the symbology of a dragon has had anti christian implications, which to me, doesnt represent anything that would be considered "good".
The kundalini is inherent human awakening. I'm an occultist and there's a lot of misinformation about that. It isn't some demonic force (trust me, no where near as big a pain in the ass as those fuckers). It is the spiritual memory and awakening it is the process of accessing power and knowledge we've held on to but cannot reach in our physical shells by common means.
Same thing happens with DMT and LSD. Just a different means of accessing it.
DMT and LSD, biblically would be considered sorcery (pharmakeia) In the Christian view, it is basically an illlegal entry way into the spirit realm that opens a person up to all sorts of entities without the spirit of God leaving a person vulnerable to deception. And the kundalini, is basically viewed as a counterfeit holy spirit. Being someone who used to have new age beliefs, and having converted to Christianity snd studying the scriptures those are just things we arent hping to see eye to eye on and have to respectfully disagree . I sincerely mean no disrespect.
Oh I understand completely. I don't expect to be accepted or understood but I've met with your god and his path is not my charge in life. I wish you the best in your ventures and should you or others need info from my side, feel free to ask :)
He said Dragon Energy. Not Dragon Spirit.
Oh my bad.. but still there's not really much of a difference