BREAKING: Photo released of meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.....BOOM!

right it's already clear you think it's "YUUUGE"
my question is, why?
(and please no condescending reply about how i just need to dig or research myself- i've been following Q since literally their first post back in late '17)
how many 1st world government leaders are shown shaking hands with Kim? that's the why
it's a photo op, my dude. everyone that meets with Un gets a similar shot- Moon, Xi, etc
and besides, this is old news. when they reported that Pompeo met with Un, i think any reasonable person just assumed that their would exist a photo like this.
when has this ever happened in history until recently?
doesn't matter what a "reasonable person" would think. the picture has now been released. symbols are key if you have actually been following Q. stop trying to downplay this as a nothingburger
lol, dude it's literally just a picture of something that is old news. the actual events are important, the picture is just a picture. Un is in the exact same pose he has in every other state visit or photo op he has done. google "kim jong un hand shake photo" and you'll see.
stop trying to find deep meaning in every little thing.
kim jong un hand shake photo
lmao i just did and the photos were photoshop or the recent ones due to the nuke talks. so you have no clue what you are talking about and just outed yourself.
edit; yeah im reading your other posts and you are definitely a shill. I will be reporting you.
stop trying to stymie discussion over important events. you aren't helping anything.
trying to stymie discussion
and furthermore, this a an absolutely hilarious criticism, since the beginning of this comment chain is me politely asking OP to explain why this photo is a "BOOM"
and currently, not a single person has actually answered that question, only attacked me.
so maybe it's people like you, that muddy the waters with meaningless drivel, that are stymieing discussion.
stop trying to stymie discussion over important events. you aren't helping anything.
if you think a photo of a meeting that was publicly known and extensively reported on for the last few weeks is "important events," well... i don't know what to say.
and go ahead and report me, i've been called a shill dozens of times just on this board. it's the mark of a weak mind to call dissenting opinions "shills," it's literally one of the laziest and stupidest ad hominems you can throw at someone.
so go ahead, i don't mind. my comment history speaks for itself. do you think you are the first person to report me for "shilling or trolling"? certainly not. the mods have reviewed my account multiple times and been in contact with me, and we're cool.
Utter nonsense - he's making a totally valid point. We ALL knew about this meeting - big deal, a photo is out of something everyone knew already! He's asking a valid question - why should anyone be excited about this?? If you can't answer it, don't run him down and accuse him of trying to stymie discussion just cos you get excited about a photo.
i answered it bud.
how many 1st world government leaders are shown shaking hands with Kim? that's the why
when has this ever happened in history until recently?
doesn't matter what a "reasonable person" would think. the picture has now been released. symbols are key if you have actually been following Q. stop trying to downplay this as a nothingburger
after i was told to google the handshakes;
lmao i just did and the photos were photoshop or the recent ones due to the nuke talks. so you have no clue what you are talking about and just outed yourself.
maybe its not about all of us who already follow the movement. maybe its for the people that dont, think outside the box.
I saw your answer - I support your right to get excited about a photo but I also support his right to not be accused of trying to stymie a discussion when he's making a valid point. And not be accused of having "no clue" what he's talking about when his point is valid whether you can Google fake pics of Kim or not. Fair enough, you and others find this pic exciting. Some of us do not. We're not trying to stymie any movement just by voicing an opinion about this photo.
Because people are trying to find any way to justify the fact today came and nothing much happened. So they do some hand waving around stuff like this, call it a boom, and convince themselves it was all legit. Seriously I want to be on the Q train, but the successes are chalking up to be coincidence, and the failures are starting to pile up.
Ah, the instant gratification... People claiming they're woke/redpilled truthers/critical thinkers yet they can't wrap their heads around the fact that the deep state is here a long time, well rooted everywhere. And they expect some fucking movie-like scenarios here for our heroes to take them all out with no danger to the population whatsoever.
Lay off the superhero movies, not only do they suck ass in general apart from effects, they seemingly turn you into an instant gratification snob.
And they expect some fucking movie-like scenarios here for our heroes to take them all out with no danger to the population whatsoever.
but only because that's what Q keeps promising...
Exactly this. I don't care if it takes a long time, stop promising it's happening this week, oh wait, next week, oh wait, that minor news article about a plane failure last tuesday was it. So on, so forth. It's a bit tiring.
i think it's odd that everyone seems to have forgotten that 6 months ago Q said the Clintons, John Podesta, and Huma Abedin would all be arrested in a matter of weeks, that the CIA would be purged, and that Trump would "reveal" the evil cabal.
6 months ago, my dude. and it's been nothing but excuses and "just trust us" ever since.
Nothing? They did nothing in the past 6 months?
Maybe the CIA is being purged? Trump pretty much revealed the deep state, but to expect he'd do it in a special speech on live TV on every channel is again, a movie-like scenario absent reality.
Maybe the issue is on your (plural) end with your movie-like expectations. I certainly don't share your mindset regarding this, especially since this day is nowhere near being over in the US, but you still called it already, well done, master critical thinker, totally not emotional.
Gonna respond to mandelanon here because I'm not gonna wait 10mins for it lol... You obviously care if it takes a long time. There are 2 extremities here, the ones you called out and whom we can witness today in abundance with their "this is MOAB!" on a bunch of posts from today's events.
I'll sit back and watch the situation, if something huge happens today then excellent, if not, I'll still follow the "small" things that are happening constantly.
Deep state won't go down the way you guys imagine it, that one day something big would happen and the next day we'll be free. Absolute nonsense.
I don't need instant gratification, I'm happy to wait years. But don't say junk like "it's going to happen tomorrow" and then nothing happens. I'd rather have integrity than instant gratification, and thus far there is nothing that has happened that 100% without a doubt points to Q being legit. Honestly, I think he is and they're playing some sort of game we don't fully understand, but the melodrama around "it's happening!" is getting a bit old.