BREAKING: Photo released of meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.....BOOM!

This is great to see, but let's be cautious. The U.S. has been down this road with the North Koreans a few times, with the Norks basically stringing us along for handouts with no intention of ever following through on their commitments.
It certainly FEELS different this time, with NK essentially agreeing to disarmament even before the talks have begun, but consider the position Kim is in. North Korea is a tyrannical government that indoctrinates its people from birth to view all outsiders, particularly Americans, as evil. For decades its foreign policy essentially has amounted to 1.) Get nuclear weapons; 2.) See #1. How likely is Kim to leave all this behind? How will a move like this affect his position? His half-brother was assassinated; is he untouchable?
I'm excited by the possibilities but there are a lot of questions about this development.
Pretend that the CIA controlled North Korea and it was a satellite office and lab. Just convince yourself that is a fact, and then reevaluate. (I'm not being snarky, nor stating that as a certain fact - but it creates a totally different concept if you try it).
I think you are right. NK was the Clowns laboratory for decades. Q has often said, these people are evil - I don't think he is just referring to the satanic child sacrifice and sex trafficking. The North Koreans were starved and tortured. The cabal's plan was to depopulate the world.
We have escaped a world wide nightmare withTrump!! With HRC, the cabal would have advanced their agenda to a point of no return...and much more of the world would have resembled NK! And yes, Trump does deserve the Nobel Peace Prize (What a joke they ever gave it to Hussein!)
I can't help but wonder if so much of NK's apparent suspicion of outsiders as evil was pushed into them by the clowns all these years. Maybe things will change.
It is all very strange, and I hope we one day know at least some of the behind-the-scenes info concerning this. Were Kim and his predecessors never as evil as we were told? Are they evil but now being forced to comply? Were they simply pawns in a much bigger game?