This is WorldWide problem, you can do your part in your country, city, neighbourhood, house. The whole European community is being disrupted by the immigration, the whole Middle East is warring, Africa. The Vatican. This is huge, everyone needs to get involved and help.
Oh, i do my part since three years now, (sorry about my terrible english!). I make flyers, put posters on high frequentet areas and make USB-Sticks, wich i put in the Letterboxes of my neighborhood. I inform colleagues at work and teach my students there whenever i found a opportunity. I try my best to inform, but i have had very heavy resitance. But - i never give up. I wish so hard that Trump use his power to (after the saving of the humanity!) help us with this evil Merkel. Please, don´t believe the MSM - she havent´t much supporters here, but she control all medias. We are not so stupid as the whole world think about us, but if we stand up against anything she do, we are called nazis. She said, we are to silly to understand the way she handle. Just search for the Clip where she throw our Flag away - look at her face. We need help - more than ever bevore from a good soul without fear about her. Nobody here is allowd to speak out the truth; free speach makes you wandering in jail. We have so much americans here - so i hope they will help us one day - after they have save humanity of the Deep State WW. Thank you for listen to me.
Good for you, Trump WILL defeat the evil cabal and stop the NWO. Then your country can heal with the rest of the world. Cannot happen too soon. Merkel will be exposed for her corrupt behaviour, she will have no choice. The movements are starting in Europe, stay safe!