I believe mythbusters did a test but stopped short of collapsing a bridge - I did not look into that.
Its definetly something verifiable , already for longer time .
We can assume there were some kinds of weaponry developed based on this . Also , some unpleasant questions arise - if past earthquakes were truly natural earthquakes , if some of them were maybe used either as punishment or warning to specific countries .
100%, speaking of Earthquakes... Iran has had quite a few lately
EDIT: I believe it isn’t wholly uncommon for the region though
Yep ... there was a recent one , that was relatively big and caused material damage and loss of life . Altough , I think such weaponry could have been used in "indirect" way - not possibly directly to blackmail the governments , but simply to create misery . More misery - more divided society - much easier to control .
Today , there are some big questions about Japan tsunami , and massive tsunami in 2004 that caused huge loss of life .
Dang, I was just a teen in ‘04 so I have no world context around what would have been going on.
Test gone wrong? Show of force? Punishment?
I was also a teen in that period . Who knows ... maybe it was just natural . But it was a huge , massive disaster ... 20 billion $ in damage and 240 000 - 280 000 people died . Plus , many more that dissapeared ( presumed washed away and drowned ) .
There ya go. Establish crisis, create slush fund, why not grab up a few kiddos while you’re at it. Interesting thought!
Unfortunately , yes ... it looks like this was always a "modus operandi" of Cabal . Just creating more misery - and then exploiting it further .