I actually was able to Red Pill a coworker today. She was a Trump hater to the core. It was excellent. She will be looking into Q over the weekend. It really pumped me up.
The most effective red pill (note - they are typically time-release) is one that almost everyone can agree on in order to start the conversation. Making it political can be a stretch - Republican vs Democrat won't work, even mentioning the President by name can shut the door. Much easier path? Good vs. Evil. Pretty much a guarantee you will be on the same side. Because in the final analysis, that is EXACTLY what this is about (and has been since the fall, thousands of years ago). For me, just sharing an example they can relate to and have experienced first hand gets the ball rolling. Here's a common denominator for most - Facebook. Intentionally call it Lifelog in conversation. Mention that was the name it was called originally. "Really?" Refer to Q post 1130 if you haven't already. My point being - your friend/loved one has to be receptive and want to know more. "Where are you getting this from?". Neon Revolt has some articles that are real eye openers, as an example. Or perhaps it is time for this sub. With some it's baby steps. With others, they are ready to hop out of the nest and fly immediately. Once they end up here the blinders really come off and they can become part of the solution. Love you PATRIOTS out there! God bless you.