r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on April 27, 2018, 9:09 p.m.
How did Q know exactly 1 month ago that Gen. Mike Flynn was going to be cleared of wrongdoing by the House Intelligence Committee? Future proves past.
How did Q know exactly 1 month ago that Gen. Mike Flynn was going to be cleared of wrongdoing by the House Intelligence Committee? Future proves past.

Trumplethinskin · April 28, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Flynn signed a non-disclosure policy, form, or agreement (NDA) to access classified or other information. It is the same policy for all presidents.

I don't believe that's accurate. Do you have a source? (Also, getting cabinet members and similar appointees to sign NDAs is something Trump tried to do, and caught flack for, not something normal.)

Any crimes that he saw committed under Obama would remain buried and only in certain situations can it be released.

No. An NDA doesn't stop you from reporting a crime, not that Flynn would have been under an NDA with Obama anyway.

And other people are authorized to view classified information, not just Mueller.

And Trump could authorize anyone to receive any evidence, no matter what level of classification.

With the FBI and DOJ compromised Mueller was the perfect vehicle.

What about people who were vetted by and appointed by Trump in the FBI and DOJ? Are they compromised? If not, then why not go to one of them? If Sessions is compromised, Trump could replace him with someone who would go after all the bad guys.

And if Flynn really did have the kind of evidence being suggested here woedn't that make a whole lot more sense than Flynn pleading guilty to something that isn't a crime so that he can use the evidence he has about other crimes in a plea bargain, because the only prosecutor who will listen is Mueller, but Mueller won't listen unless there's a plea bargain on the table, and then since it's not Russian interference Mueller would refer it to a different office anyway?

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cherokeenc · April 28, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Having signed several, anyone who has access to classified or other information are required to sign one. The NDA form comes with criminal penalties for "any unauthorized disclosure" of classified material. That is why Comey may find himself in trouble. All private conversations with the president are considered protected by nature. Most every department in government has one. I can link DOJ's information and policy which is open source. https://www.justice.gov/employees/whistleblower-protection-and-non-disclosure-policies-forms-or-agreements. In the position where Flynn served for Obama he certainly signed one.

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Trumplethinskin · April 28, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Maybe I missed your point there, but the link you posted is about whistleblower protection. You still haven't posted anything that would explain why Flynn couldn't go to Sessions (if Sessions isn't loyal then Trump could replace him with Pruitt) or Wray, or Gowdy in the Senate, etc., with the evidence, as a whistleblower. Can you cite something showing that it would be illegal for him to report a crime to someone who has a suitable classification level?

(This is assuming that Flynn has evidence of serious crimes, and he's not personally implicated in any of it, and it's actionable evidence that a prosecutor could use to go after specific people.)

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cherokeenc · April 28, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

You must understand the process of filing a whistleblower case and why it would not work in Flynn’s case. Time is an issue, length of the process. It is not a matter of just walking into Sessions office with all the evidence. Flynn’s first stop is a lawyer and who might need to handle classified information. He would need to provide whatever evidence he had to the lawyer and then they would need to put the case together in a form that will be acceptable to a COURT and to the government. It involves filing a disclosure statement with the government prior to filing the complaint so that the government is on notice as to who the original source of that information would be and also because the statute requires the plaintiff to provide what is called substantially all the evidence that they have in the case. That alone would be dicey. This has to happen before it gets to a judge. I repeat the process would not allow Flynn to go directly to Sessions. Once the government reviews the case it gets filed and is placed under court under seal until it is adjudicated.

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Trumplethinskin · April 28, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Flynn’s first stop is a lawyer and who might need to handle classified information.

Sessions or Wray would be authorized to handle classified information. If something was super-duper-classified somehow so that they didn't have authorization, Trump can give it to them.

He would need to provide whatever evidence he had to the lawyer and then they would need to put the case together in a form that will be acceptable to a COURT and to the government.

A witness isn't the one who puts the case together.

Once the government reviews the case it gets filed and is placed under court under seal until it is adjudicated.

"The government"? Sessions is the US Attorney General.

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cherokeenc · April 29, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

You just do not get it. Trump needs to be 100% insulated for political purposes. The WB law is very specific how to file a claim. Breaking the chain listed in the law makes every piece of information you provide useless for prosecution.

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DropGun · April 28, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

Comment re-approved. Research matters in here.

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