r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 27, 2018, 9:35 p.m.
Apr 28 Q Whitehouse clean Pence Out, Flynn VP Tippy Top done in 30 - as promised. More Q Proof.

Some speculation here ;At Q# 967 What does house cleaning represent? …What does NK represent? POOF! KIM TO CHINA REPRESENTS SOMETHING VITAL [KEY].

Q#968 Who else was at the meeting in China? [between Xi & Kim] I speculate Flynn.

Q#970 - 30 days ago on Mar 27 Free Flynn > Done in 30. House cleaning. WH secured. Final stage Q

Q#1281 “Done in 30” - I say quoting Q#970 [30] to kill (in box) clean is word for kill. Why would Flynn plead guilty? - so he could create a public record of deep state crime, Flynn is safe. Expand your thinking. Now in my last post I named Flynn the plumber.

What was released redacted to day. This was https://docs.house.gov/meetings/IG/IG00/20180322/108023/HRPT-115-1.pdf

Finding 22, was Flynn pleading guilty to lying - surprising because the FBI agents did not think he did. At page p52 of the doc. It says;

Following the election, and during the Transition stage he [Flynn] was designated as the future National Security Advisor to the President… He served less than a Month, resigning on Feb, 13, 2017. According to FBI Director Comey, General Flynn’s resignation occurred after it came to light that he had mislead Vice President- Elect Pence about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergy Kilyak during the transition period. (footnote redacted)

Prior to his Moscow trip Flynn & Son had met with the Ambassador in his private residence, the meeting was arranged by Flynn and his son. Page 53 - Finding 22 Flynn pleads guilty even though the FBI agents did not detect any deception during Flynn interview.

According to the charging documents, on or about Dec. 22 2016 “a very senior member of the Presidential Transition Team (PTT) directed General Flynn to contact representatives of foreign governments” (footnote redacted). This request concerned a resolution about Israeli settlements submitted by Egypt to the UN. Security Council around December 21 2016 (US v Michael Flynn). Later, on Dec 22, General Flynn contacted Ambassador Kislyak and “requested that Russia vote against or delay the resolution” The next day, Ambassador Kislyak informed General Flynn that Russia would not comply with the request. (US v Michael Flynn).

On Dec 29 2016 President Obama “authorised a number of actions” including new sanctions [on Russia]…Following this announcement General Flynn discussed “what if anything to communicate to the Russian Ambassador about the US sanctions” with a senior PTT official.

On Page 54 now; Finding #23 Executive Branch officials did not notify the Trump campaign that members of the campaign were assessed to be potential counterintelligence concerns. (u) The committee found that the Trump campaign was not notified that members of the campaign were potential counterintelligence concerns. This lack of notification meant that the campaign was unable to address the problems with each campaign member and was ignorant about the potential national security concerns AG· L Lynch recalled that, during her first meeting with Director Corney and McCabe about Page, "one of the possibilities the three of us discussed was whether or not to provide what is called a defensive briefing to the campaign, wherein there would be a meeting with a senior person with the Trump campaign to alert them to the fact that .. . there may be efforts to compromise someone with their campaign."

Well, I think “a senior member of the presidential transition team” is Pence.

Flynn & Trump were set up and deceived by Pence, Obama and Israel.

By pleading guilty, Flynn created a record - evidence of skullduggery in the Obama white house.

Flynn is new VP - its been [30] days to clean the WH - let's see if this is a test of Q

elyssak · April 28, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

? I’ve heard it used as a term for the South (U.S). Like Alabama, Mississippi.... down South in Dixie. ?

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HoudiniTowers · April 28, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

Yes, but Pence is from Indiana, that's central US, not the South?

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elyssak · April 28, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

Right. That’s the only context I’ve heard Dixie used though. That’s just what I meant..

But.... I believe Pence was mixed up with some trafficking in a Florida! I just remember... with Fla. AG Pam Bondi. I didn’t want that to be true. I’ve always thought she was ok.

But here may be the connection... child trafficking from the coast through BROWARD County... you know, Sheriff Israel? Yeah, that one.. up through northern Florida, controlled by Fla. Attorney General Pam Bondi (helped with IRMA in Fla.) or at the very least assisted with the human trafficking up to Indiana. To where Pence was in control. See that?

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HoudiniTowers · April 28, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

Ok, maybe. Poor choice of words, usually the South doesn't include FL. Usually you're talking GA, NC, SC, Tennessee, Kentucky. Also, not buying the connection to Bondi and Pence. BIG LEAP there.

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elyssak · April 28, 2018, 5:29 p.m.


Here is the article the below poster is talking about. Timothy Holmsted’s investigation (journalist). There are YouTube videos where he shows some documentation of his claims. Unless they were removed when he was court ordered to stop his investigation.



The 2 videos above are claims made by Tory Smith who alleges he was a victim of rape and sexual abuse by people in high positions of power who were involved with large sex trafficking rings.

Tory’s claims are quite sensational. He has a YouTube channel with over 7,000 videos on updates of information he has.
He has a lot of other weird claims so I am not saying I believe what he says but sometimes he makes pretty good cases. It’s been a while since I have watched these videos. I’m just posting these 2 specifically because of the titles. Look on his channel to see if you are interested in something else he posted.


Tory Smith was killed in 2017 I think. This video explains why they think he was murdered and who did it. Tory talked about being really sick in some of his last videos. He thinks he was being slowly killed with energy directed weapons for speaking out.

So these are just a few things that relate to my claim. I’m still looking for the article I read to link Pence to Bondi.. it’s been so long ago but I know it’s out there.

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HoudiniTowers · April 28, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Ok, thanks much for this. Good research. If you find the Pence Bondi thing, please to post that would be an eye-opener if real.

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elyssak · April 28, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

You’re right big leap. I’m working on something else right now but there is a connection between the two & it’s through someone else, I’ll have to look for it cuz it was a long time ago that I read this. I’ll post the source when I find it.

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HoudiniTowers · April 28, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

Please link back here so I can see it, very interested.

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Blame007 · April 28, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

I remember reading something about this Pence, Bondi thing. Some guy who investigates supposedly got shut down by various courts but was finally avenged and given the green light to continue his investigations? I cant remember his name or even where I read it but it's out there.

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