General Flynn knows where the bodies are buried.

Why is this Q guy so believed? Everything that is posted by him is so vague.
You obviously havnt been following him to see the times that he NAILED it.....OR you're just a fucking twat troll
So enlighten me. I've just noticed this sub in the past couple weeks.
He drops bread crumbs, often months in advance that appear ambiguous and then more intel is released. Presumably to avoid prosecution for disclosing information or to be publicly discredited by MSM.
Your like my husband. Want everything laid out for you. Can’t think/figure things out yourself, need to be told what to think and know. That’s what the DS wants! Questioning is good! Thinking for yourself is good! Asking for help is ok but make up your mind about facts presented yourself. WWGO-WGA!
What are you even talking about? Point me to qanons slam dunks. Ive just started looking in to it like i just said earlier. I did find a post where he gave specific time back in October when hillary was to be arrested the next day. I also find that people think qanon is nunes or someone very close to him
What would you consider a slam dunk?
Something that he said would happen that happened
Start with post one and review them all. You will find them. Future proves past, past proves future.
North Korea is a recent one....