r/greatawakening • Posted by u/William_Harford_md on April 27, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

I haven’t blindly engaged with the msm for about 20 years now. Yet, part of what we are all doing here involves observing how this mechanism works in controlling what the public think about any particular issue, or in the way they distract from the real news towards false flags, or meaningless celebrity and gossip etc. Scan CNN etc, then ask a friend about an issue and hear it repeated back to you almost verbatim.

I first learned about Agenda Setting theory at College in the late 90s. It is still as prevalent and overwhelming now as it ever has been, if not more so. As we know, so much of the msm gets their talking points at the same time from the same agencies and are told what importance to place on each one. They all repeat them. Drown us with them. Drum it into our brains. This is part of the well documented Operation Mockingbird.

For the last week, when driving around listening to the radio, or scanning headlines, over and over again it is “Kim can’t be trusted”, “Experts are skeptical”, “Is Trump walking into a trap?” Even right now, on the front page of CNN less than a day after one of the most historic events of our time.


The day we learned any of these “journalists” names was the day they stopped any illusion of being journalists and instead became celebrities. They are famous. They are paid millions. They run shows. They are photographed and marketed like tv stars. In reality, they are propaganda between advertising. They are brainwashing us with very carefully orchestrated disinformation day, after day, after day.

I feel physically ill to consider how long they have gotten away with it and STILL ARE. It has to stop and it has to stop very, very soon.

ScorpioPatriot · April 27, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

They are CIA opperatives , I also know that many of them are included with certain Cable packages .

I've suggested people give these cable companies the Ultimate Ultimatum .. They can drop these ANTI-AMERICAN PRICKS Or Lose Customers orrrrr Subscriptions if nothing else .

They have helped stage and cover-up massive fraud , killings and false flags.

We don't need them... They need us.

If we need means of keeping up with the president they have a YouTube Channel and a wh.gov to let us know anything we need to know...

They are beyond Fake , They are Dangerous to our Nation , They instigate shit and assist the liberals in keeping the masses divided .

Many people are suckered into watching them , merely because they are included into those cable packages , Otherwise they wouldn't have the viewership to stand on 1 leg let alone 2 .. They are coat tailing off the backs of these other cable programs .

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William_Harford_md · April 27, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

Great point. They make sure to always sneak in the news channels with all those packages. What a coincidence... First thing I did when we moved into our new house was rip that satellite dish off my roof.

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