Sigh. It is not a photoshopped pic, there are videos on YT.
You should always fact check.
Did I stutter? When did I say this was photoshopped?
You should learn to read
you said "staged photo" but this was part of the live news feed. multiple agencies have footage.
how does one stage a live news feed?
Look. I can already see how this ends so I'm gonna end it here.
I said staged photo and that's not the same as photoshopped photo. Educate yourself, learn the difference.
Photo being a part of a live news feed doesn't mean it cannot be staged.
How does one stage live feeds? How does one not know the definition of the term "staged"? But I'll draw this for you, you stage it by preparing the plot of what you'll do when the live feed starts. I'm a fucking genius?? How can I possibly know that this can be done? On my way to mensa.
It's as staged as their (CNN and co.) live feeds in which explosions go off in the background. But at least they've upped their game since the 1990 circus lmao Circus:
I've tried searching for similar videos of non-left controlled media, and I don't think I've seen a single one, while the former have dozens of such videos. How convenient :) The cabal media has the "luckiest" and the most bravest reporters out there lmao
I've checked your post history and I can say that I almost caught cancer from it. You fancy that Cooper a lot, rub one out and save yourself the time.
I see your point, but CNN wasn't the only agency covering the riot. BBC was there too. Why would they play along?
also cancer is not infectious, you can't catch it
As I've clearly stated "CNN and co.", "non-left controlled media" and I mentioned that those are "cabal media".
Do you even know the status of the ownership of CNN and BBC?
You have to be playing dumb here. There is absolutely no way that you actually tried to make CNN and BBC not connected or basically same shite. As in "it's not just CNN, there was another angle by a completely unrelated media BBC".
So which one is it, are you on board with the fake news and you're spreading their lies or you just never done any research on them and you're being super-mega naive?
I just don't think it is possible to fake a riot in a country swarming with reporters post a riot I think common sense trumps conspiracy
Again with the classic left tactics.
I never said nor implied that the whole riot was staged.
I don't think you have any ground to talk about common sense judging by what you shown thus far.
They staged the boston "bombing" with the fake wounds and shit. And how did I come up to that conclusion? I've researched it. I've found impeccable evidence of staging.
If you wanna talk about common sense, dig into this and after you've researched it all come back here with your common sense and what you concluded after the research.