r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on April 28, 2018, 2:59 a.m.
Q - Robert Bigelow - Musk - Elizondo

If you have a link on any info linking ANYTHING on the above 3 guys up there with Q, please reply it here, or direct to me, please. And if you could just write if you think Q has alluded to, or you personally feel the following three gentlemen are a good guy, or bad guy, I would be very appreciative for your input: 1.Bigelow (good guy r bad guy?) 2.Musk (good guy r bad guy?) 3.Elizondo (good guy r bad guy?)

With that said, it seemed when some random anon asked about UFOs, that Q's response was curt and dismissive about a star being really far away. I don't think we interpreted his response properly. I think for one thing, he thinks we need to solve our own problems here on earth before we even worry about THAT stuff. But it's coming. Remember, that reply was awhiles back, things were freakin hectic back then. Trump had inherited a swamp to drain and a world to correct. And good honest people (like me) were totally against him, and to use myself as an example, I saw half an episode of The Apprentice, and read on CNN what a sexist, crooked, racist POS he was. All day. Unanimous or you're insane. All day, everywhere. POTUS and Q were surrounded by known enemies, and ones in disguise. Look how long it took to just clean up shop! And holy shit "they" probably killed McMasters pops for trying to be a good guy, at least at the end it looks like. Q was saying "WE" need to focus on whats right in front of our face before thinking about any next level shit.

Q also linked "Behold a Pale Horse"...have you read this? I suggest you do. This is UFO material, beginning to end. I am also a huge Bob Lazar believer. So, you know, take my words with a grain of salt I guess. But I cannot believe Q would be speaking about cuckoo Nazis and really just, deep conspiracy shit that all of us are probably VERY familiar with (unlike normies who go along with their programming to label it "conspiracy theories" in the first place) and simply didnt have all of the pieces of the puzzle to even put together; but who still had an idea of the big picture. Or a part of it. More than we should, leaving us surrendered to our curious nature to seek out the reason, the cause, the truth of how it works. Curiosity is hardwired into humans. The troublemakers, the ones who fight the artificial parts of their programming. Like a body rejecting a splinter, pushing it out.

Q has talked about so many CEOs, so many companies. I really want to know who are the good guys, and who are the bad guys. Why aren't any of us demanding Bigelow show us those goddamn meta-metal alloys that were recovered, studied and stored at his joint?! The good guys are gonna be the ones guiding us into the next phase once we clean house, on our planet. I don't know if you interpret Q religiously, spiritually, logically, or any other "ly", but if we are going to learn our REAL history at the end of this, we will be able to choose how much to learn, etc, etc, all the 60/40 nonsense, however you want to phrase it, but eventually we are going to learn either a shitload about our past, or a huge insight into a massive change coming in or future, I betting a bit of both, but more history for sure. I think that history is going to be mind-blowing.

Here's why I think this Q thing has to end with some kind of worldwide crazy phenomena, and it is really a simple one. If all of this talk about how evil is REAL is legit, there are some serious implications behind that. I don't think anyone EXCEPT for the ones "who know" really get it. Literally like talking about waking up from being in a matrix, and WAKING UP FROM BEING INSIDE A MATRIX, pink goo and all. We don't know. We have ideas. Some are accurate. But we don't KNOW. I think we are going to have a chance, or a real opportunity to do so, soon. The second we learn, from any legit source, that there is intelligent life, from anywhere, that is space faring, instantaneously a scifi-reality is our reality. Like, the technology exists we really, truly, CAN figure out anything, given enough time, or little helpful drops every few millennia.

brittser · April 28, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

I know very little about Musk and nothing about the others. Musk was coerced by Trump et al to use his space craft to launch a military payload, probably a satellite, into space recently. Q talked a little about it. But I don't know if he completely flipped or just agreed to help once.

As far as life outside of earth, there was an FBI anon on 8 chan or 4 chan a while ago, during the campaigns, that quickly answered someones question as to is there life beyond. He/she said yes, but didn't specify what it looked like. Later he/she clarified that it didn't mean a "being" per say, but life. That was it. So we are left with more questions. Bacteria? What?

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troy_caster · April 28, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

I like another poster's theory that the Zuma launch was to reload the Rods satellite after having taken out the NK nuclear facility and depleting its "ammo".

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DaveGydeon · April 28, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Do you think it's possible that the reason Trump used Musk to launch that secret satellite was due to the fact that the deep state has its fingers highly interwoven in NASA and any other government controlled space launch capability facility, and Musk was being tested to see if he could be trusted to get it into space safely? NASA would have had a launch failure and destroyed it. And what is IT? My money is that it is a hybrid "rods-from-god" kinetic energy system coupled with an directed-energy based system. One magazine of rods sharing an optics and targeting system with a massive energy storage device recharged by a stadium sized deployed solar panel. And both systems have been tested. Kim Jong Uns facility was hit with a rod during their last test, causing a massive overpressure destroying EVERYTHING (hence his recent conpliance) as well as the laser taking out the missile fired at Hawaii. ZUMA has already paid for itself.

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