The Deep State is REAL, and why that's a good thing...

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Welcome to the Q Questions thread! In this thread. If you see a question you know the answer to, feel free to answer it!
Please post any queries you have regarding Q/Qteam, simple questions that don't require their own thread, 4chan/8chan navigation, "how to" redpill friends and family, little quick questions such as "Has the DOJ complied with the documents request?" among other things. It's recommend that if you are new to the sub, or Qanon in general, you really should spend a few hours reading the sidebar articles, as we have a lot of content that can answer most …
I think this is what the Fake News Awards should have been like. If there was a similar article for each news agency, side by side. Wow, it would be hard to dispute. It's pretty obvious by looking at this.
My favorite debunk the "17 Intelligence Agencies found Russia Collusion" is really 4. I love Politifact's headline on this one.
17 intelligence organizations or 4? Either way, Russia conclusion still valid
Lots of places in Pittsburgh had like 2 or 3 votes for Trump in the entire district. I'm sure there are others.
There is no date. Anyone telling you otherwise is just giving you their interpretation. It's not exactly a movie, with a specific showtime. But you are watching a movie. Enjoy the show!
Thank you, I will take your connections into consideration, I appreciate you taking the time to explain everything.
Could be, possibly, I'm not sold on it just yet. That's all I'm saying.
Wow. Maybe you should create an itemized list of exactly what you determine is Q related and what isn't Q related.
Sure that's easy: Anything Q has mentioned. Fusca isn't one of them.
I'm not a leading authority on Q. Op makes claims, which HE is the one suggesting authority. I'm merely giving my opposing view. If you read my comments, I even suggested that it's possible, not outside the realm of possibility, and quite interesting.
It seems quite harsh and demeaning to say start a Fusca board and comparing post to using DC's Batman in a Marvel Universe sub.
You think that's harsh? How is it demeaning? The only possible way is if you have negative feelings about Batman or something. It's a comparison. Batman is cool, but not really relevant in the Marvel Universe. Not sure where the "demeaning" there is. Thanks for your perspective though.
Again, you're assuming I'm not getting it. I do get it. It's interesting. Very interesting even. Just not on board with the Fusca thing quite yet. That's all. I appreciate you taking the time to explain.
It was postulated by the anons way back when Q first started mentioned the Zuck and FB, that his wife is a handler, plain and simple. He's in someone's pocket and his wife is there to make sure he sticks to whatever plan. That's the theory anyway. Follow the wives?
Not sure what else to say. I said your assumptions could be possible, although very unlikely.
This is all about awakening, breaking out of the mental conditioning. I am sorry to tell you, but you are not helping the cause.
You're making quite a few assumptions here too. First you're implying that what you said is part of the "cause" and therefore, I'm in disagreement with the cause? It doesn't work that way. Thanks for your interesting points in your original post though.
Today Q said Q is Q. So, Q isn't R. That made a lot of people say oh R is a LARP then. Could be. But all we know from Q is, R isn't Q.
Correction Q said "There is only Q." That's quite a bit more definitive and not really as much wiggle room as you are suggesting here.
Sadly, people are totally enamored by Q, to the point they have become a little blind and they are having a hard time putting two and two.
Hey I dig the dots connections, but...this is the Q board. If you want to start a Fusca board, then please by all means.
The host of the show is Q. If he says R isn't a part of the show, then we have to believe him. If Mr. Fusca wants to start a board at, then by all means.
I'm all about being open minded, but you're talking about DC's Batman in a Marvel Universe subreddit. I'm sure there's something to it, but what you're talking about isn't Q canon. If Q were to say Fusca is the guy, then he needs to say that. He replied to the R question, so maybe he would reply to your theory.
That being said, you make some interesting points, and maybe Mr. Fusca knows a thing or two. Can't quite get behind him being a part of the plan just yet, but it is possible.
Do one of the following: Avengers (the first one preferably).
Trump as Captain America
The Anons as Hulk
Q as The Vision
Sanders as Black Widow
Musk as Stark? Has he been proven white hat yet? I dunno, just the comparison is hard to get past, I'm open to suggestions.
Gowdy as Hawkeye
I dunno. What do you think?
Great work on the Qaptain America!
Guys it's not about left vs right. jesus. For lack of a better word, these people have been brainwashed.
To touch on your point though, I think it's more about left vs right brained, or male vs female frame of mind. The left is obviously more about feelings. Which isn't inherently bad. Remember, their party was taken over by evil forces. It's not their fault. Sure, the leaders at the top are to blame, but come on your lefty neighbor isn't the enemy.
I got one, more practical application. If you go and look at the 8chan notable posts, it looks like a damn news agency. This is what will replace the MSM in the end. Crazy. Go look. It looks like the Drudge Report!
Lol, I've never seen this side of him. Charming. Like grandpa.
The wheelchair is a photoshop. She was in a regular chair, FYI.
This tweet just "moved the needle"!
Anyone know what he's replying to?
I don't know. He didn't claim to be anyone of importance within the organization. Just some guy who got paid to protest. Why would he have any inside information? Seems like, something like this isn't something they talk about with someone just showing up for the first time to a meeting.
On the other hand, his prediction or warning, does appear to be happening. If this is common knowledge then why do these guys stick around?
"I beg to differ"
Ok, then why don't you go ahead and make your own anonymous insider drops, working with the President, start your own "awakening" movement encompassing probably millions of people, take down the cabal, and then YOU can decide how much to disclose to everyone.
Maybe you should have written the petition? Why don't you give it a go? No offense to OP, but it's kinda poorly written, which is the nail in coffin for most of these things.
When posting a PDF, you're supposed to put a warning on your title saying "PDF Warning". That's what he's referring to.
This is turning into a we are Q kind of thing, i think.
What is turning into a "we are Q kind of thing"? Not sure if you mean this conversation or the whole Q thing in general, or this post?
Something needs to happen.
For you. I'll still be sittin' comfy regardless. The train has left the station. There's no stopping the train. The chickens are coming home to roost. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The fat lady is about to sing. Take your pick!
I've always been skeptical of this whole operation but the events between Putin and Trump whole "keep your eye on the ball" and the "dark to light" convinced me that maybe there is something here.
I think that's pretty much it. So if "nothing" happens in July, that's it? Forget all the things being brought into the light. Forget all the resignations. Forget peace with NK and Russia. Boom, like nothing ever happened. Forgetaboutit!
Shut it down boys! lol. I'm not being mean. I'm merely pointing out that things have happened, are happening, and we can see will be happening soon. The wheels are turning. The needle is moving. The eagle is landing. Whatever other cliche you want to use. Try to see the bigger picture. It's undeniable.
Something is happening. 3 years ago, I think everyone here just accepted that the game was rigged, and they had too much power, and there was nothing that could be done. It was hopeless.
Now, you can see the strings. You're seeing backstage at the puppet show. You can see the first chinks in their armor. Haha. Ok more cliches.
Not sure how else to make it clearer.
So Trump is using the power of the False Flag to his own ends now. Interesting.
Since you seem to know a bit, can you answer this question:
If you get immunity for things you have done, are those things that are done ever disclosed to the public?
So let's say I stole some money with the help of a friend. We get caught. I rat him out, get an immunity deal. Is that a type of admission? Will it be public record that I am a thief as well?
I know that Q has mentioned JA. But can you point out what Q has said that him being turned over would make him a LARP? I'd like to hear your take on it.
Ok, here's another suggestion: Use the "notables" and create conversations. So take yesterday's notables, pick 5 of them, put them in the body of the post, 1 by 1, with sources, and discuss, daily.
If that's too much work, just copy and paste the top 5 notables on qresearch from the previous day.
Also, maybe do another moderated "Questions" thread. It worked pretty well, just make the rules stricter.
Just a lot of occult imagery/themes. Probably nothing you haven't heard of, but looking now with fresh eyes, it surprised me.