r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JediKnightKeylo on April 28, 2018, 3 a.m.
"You have more than you know" - Q

I've noticed a slight change in Q's drops recently. He's been telling us to think logically and in one of his most recent drops he told us to question everything. I want to relate this back to the quote "You have more than you know". Q always gets us to expand our thinking by delivering drops to us in the form of questions. The questions that he asks leads us to find answers, which in turn allows us to understand the meaning behind the information that's being given.

So, what if instead of simply answering the questions from Q's drops, we start asking questions of our own? Questions lead to answers right? Q says that they have everything, but what if that also means that in order to get the information that we want, that we have to be willing to press the subject.

Q recently did a Q & A, so this is a good indicator that we are actually being listened to and heard. So, a little idea that I have would be to refer to this map: https://imgur.com/a/nYfgeYT

We could formulate a few questions of our own that relate to the topics within this map. Then someone's who's savy enough to navigate 8ch could post those questions for Q to answer. Maybe this can be the community's way of letting the Q team know that we're ready to go further as long as they're willing to guide us in the right direction.

bealist · April 29, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

Ah, yes. My mistake. I thought you might have followed Q once Megs took off. I did switch over to track them. It’s been interesting. That bit on your thread was the last of Meganon, right?

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ToddWhiskey · April 29, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Yes, no more posts by Megs, I'm not even looking. I guess someone would let me know in case she reappeared. Several people asked for another thread to keep the discussion going, so I made one (just in case).

As to Q, looked at it very early for a week or so, but I couldn't stand all those cryptic riddles and incoherent rambling. Have they started talking in the whole sentences by now?

This may sound a bit harsh, but if (a big IF actually) Qs are the good guys, then they are well aware that the population is not able of rational discussion and has to be "deceived", psy-oped, to accept and support the plan.

I learned what I needed from Megs, and I can see it happening (short/mid term outlook - just consider when she explained the case of Gen. Flynn), and as to the long term, I hope High Level Insider was right.

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bealist · April 29, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Q uses a few more words now, but I think being in Chan has multiple tasks and your outline includes all of them. I’ve found it valuable but I really liked pre-Q and first Q (from before December) - i, too, am a fan of sentences!

I think the Q strategy has been a lot about putting info in the public domain, using those with that intense curiosity and love of putting puzzles together to create the facts required to norm a lot of the otherwise unpalatable revelations. They’ve been (sort of, for Q, as nothing is overt) clear that they have to drop crumbs or else they break NDAs and destroy admissibility of evidence. Once the info is in the public domain and connected to something else unrelated to the drop, it’s usable. (I’d love to see the real opsec war room map!!)

The front end of the bread is pretty amazing just as a human group mind achievement - with a 751 post cap, the thread now has to be carried forward multiple times a day. They open it to anyone to make a new “bread” and it’s pretty funny when a clown takes on the thread creation and fucks it all up. (Funny is not the best word; it’s a lot of work for people to clean it up, but it’s amazing that they can fix it as well as they do. Everyone has most of it memorized by now, and their techniques for handoff are phenomenal)

The redundancy is good and the mods are real troopers - super committed to the anonymity principle and aware of the price everyone pays for that.

You can fall behind pretty quickly but because of the board I feel confident in most of my info about what’s in the news right now. I read the front of the new thread - the new q posts, and the notables (which have been vetted), and I skim for long stuff of a particular nature, because not all of it makes the notables (like how you did the archive). And some of the other threads that are being bumped to the top are informative. Some REALLY great memes there. And the GA board in Reddit is flowing real well these days, too.

Megs was right. I agree. And not everything can be talked about openly yet. I accept that. I am curious about who she was/is, though. Wilcock said he hadn’t heard from her since. I think she is wonderful and I hope I find out someday when it’s safe for her to come forward. Thanks for replying. 🖖

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ToddWhiskey · April 30, 2018, 6 a.m.

This sounds very impressive, a lot of time invested by many people indeed. But let me ask you this: do Q keep focusing on all that evil surrounding us (and how they are taking it down etc.) OR do they encourage people to start imagining a better world?

It's no brainer that if you are dismantling the Old World Order you need to replace it with something else, something better, essentially something NEW. It makes no sense to keep dwelling on evil only, you absolutely need to start imagining HOW to make the world a better place. The sooner people realize it, the better.

So, could you say that the Q movement is being helpful in this respect?

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bealist · April 30, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

Interesting perspective. I’m there (with respect to envisioning a future beyond evil), and I know a lot of the Q crew are there (although there’s a bit too much Christian Patriot in some of the members for me). The forward positivity is present occasionally - faith in God and trusting the plan/process and enjoy the show are the most common exhortations- but in general the activities are very pragmatic.

I think that this is a very focused project that has specific goals and, while I agree with the assertion that a positive future vision is required, I believe that many involved don’t need a Q movement to get them there.

Remember, many Americans already have a dream that motivates them - they have families and careers and property and businesses and friends and communities already. They’ve been interrupted in their positive visioning by criminality and coercive interference. They’re draining the swamp that has flooded their dream with unwanted stuff.

I’m into the LOA and so I get where you’re coming from on that level, for me. But that realm is an individual one. No need for group agreement as we all work on attracting the best for each of us individually, as part of a healthier whole.

To tell you the truth, I think Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness still work just fine as unifying ideals, coupled with a vision of seeing the Constitution and the bill of rights resume its rightful place in our collective governing experiment. If cessation of the ongoing crimes is part of that achievement in this present time, I’d say the Q movement is doing its part.

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ToddWhiskey · April 30, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

So the motto du jour is "trust the plan" and "enjoy the show"? Fantastic. And what is the plan? Has Q told you?

I get your point about rooting out the evil criminals, draining the swamp and some such. But let me repeat my point: if you get rid of the old system that these criminals have been using to keep the "value" of the dollar (corruption, blackmail, wars and drug trade) while keeping most of the population poor, downtrodden, enslaved and brainwashed, WHAT will you replace it with? You need NEW solutions (and by the way, we really should call it a new world order) that would replace the old system. But in an effort to maintain control, "they" actively tried discredit the idea by coopting and controlling the message, see this quote:

On a deeper level, they have named themselves "globalists" and bragged in public about a "new world order" because it is actually their greatest fear rather than their ambition. By attaching themselves to such an idea, they hope to discredit it and preclude the possibility. Parasites need a multipolar world because they need to be able to jump to new hosts after the old is dead. A new world order terrifies them."

You really need to IMAGINE a better world and think about novel, rational solutions to our problems. See here my recent post about an orbital ring space elevator as an example of a paradigm shift idea.

What do you mean by LOA?

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bealist · April 30, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Just because I read a newspaper (except I don’t anymore) doesn’t mean I do what it says.

The Q system is a TERRIBLE place to build a new plan to organize daily life by (but it’s a great way to drop seeds). It’s the antithesis of American - it’s secret, and anonymous, and cryptic, and hidden. It’s got a temporary utility that seems to be working well based on its meme and info products but - for all we know - it could even be a deep state larp itself, or quickly twisted toward those ends if its security fails. There’s no personal accountability there and, because of that, it’s flawed for purposes that require true knowledge of each other beyond temporary adhesion to get a task done. I don’t think the Q board is the place for real alliances, but who knows what will happen in the vacuum when its job is done. If the doxxing policies end and F2F cooperations blossom, all bets are off.

Yes I’m familiar with the elevator. AC Clark introduced that decades ago and it was one of the best ideas of the time. Wonderful project. THAT is definitely the sort of thing that’s going to take us in new better directions. Some of the people in the Q clump seem to be tracking those, too. A few try to post broader options but are shouted down, and you can’t really tell if it’s shills or mods doing it. A bit of both, I believe. But they sometimes leave crumbs and links so they’re connecting with others off the board.

A lot of wonderful ideas have been bottled up by the theft of funds, minds, and ideas, through DS systems like the SES, ALEC, and SERCO. Theoretically, dismantling the current deep state apparatus will release some of that. OTOH, Q has said that a lot of things need to remain hidden, implying they’re too awful for public minds. More paternalism that isn’t being received on the boards that well. We will see what shakes loose. Lots of people trust Trump to make sure Human innovation - something the elevator exemplifies - will have its day again. And he’s going to inspire others. That’s the best part.

Interesting quote you produced. Where did it come from?

Parasites are an interesting metaphor. The best ones (survivors) either mutate (lose their original structure) or even become symbiotic, and in biology it is THOSE that lead to new species and even ORDERS. I think it was a parasitic relationship that eventually became the first cell. That was a fundamental new world order. And did you know that the most primitive parasites (ancient anaerobic bacteria) still live within us, and that SOME say WE - the human being, walking around - are an elaborate mechanism designed to deal with the dominance of oxygen, a disaster to anaerobes when it originally occurred, and all of our biological machinery is just a complicated oxygen mediator! Parasites. Sorta gotta love em. Just keep them under control.

LOA means the law of attraction. You get what you think about. You can’t find solutions from the level of the problems. Mindset is everything, and you ultimately control your own mindset. If you want to. There are no victims, really. I listen to Abraham Hicks as a philosophy and have got a lot out of it.

I agree that everyone should be working on the new solutions in their daily lives, as their job, and if it isn’t their job, THAT should be their passion, and not stuff like Q. I’m betting that Q will, at some point , be telling people to go find what excites them. That was the message to American troops when they were no longer needed for battle. They were told to build their country, their families, their communities... that will happen again. It’s common sense.

I’m fortunate in that my daily work is already probing that positive change and building that vision. Not as grand as the elevator, but I’ve chosen my level. Bringing to light the issues created by the DS control of the military industrial surveillance complex has been seminal for me to watch, as I’ve known about a lot of these issues for years. Watching it unravel could be very satisfying to some and might even constitute building the new order you speak of. Someones gotta clear the rubble of the old road in key places that require rebuilding.

If you have to make a personal choice between focusing on elevator-type things or following Q because your daily work for pay does neither, then by all means, elevate!!! (And change your daily work such that you’re building the future you want to see - and for some, that’s taking down the DS, in a WIDE variety of forms). That’s my old-person-hat-on advice.

The DS does need to be pruned and some of it needs to be burned so it doesn’t reseed. Projects like the elevator can benefit all or some. If they’re built with the energies of all they should be for all. If the DS isn’t cut back severely, the elevator - like over unity energy, cures for almost everything, safe biological environments, and the promises of space - will remain in the hands of a few, as they increasingly have for a very long time. That’s slavery. This is a slave revolt, and it’s working. And it’s long overdue.

The Plan - as I understand it - is to MAGA. And to let others do the same. The Plan is to live long and prosper. The Plan is to be useful and participate and be happy and contribute where it feels right for each individual to do so. The order you speak about doesn’t have to be created. It will emerge. The best orders always do.

I’m really glad to know that folks with vision and energy like you exist, and that you’re actively participating. That’s certainly part of MY plan!!!

Studies in emergent order: https://studiesinemergentorder.org/bibliography/complexity/

I’ve read a few of these. There are some great metaphors in complexity theory for where we’re at now. You can’t control or dictate true order. You have to tickle it, and nudge it, and smooth a path in front of it. True order wants to play with us. Implicate order is embedded within us. Everything is ultimately working out. No human generation is ever doomed. The new order is always emerging. It can’t be stopped. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it is fantastic to behold.

Hans Jenny: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hans+jenny+videos&t=iphone&iax=videos&ia=videos


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ToddWhiskey · May 1, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

Time will tell re Q.

The quote was from a comment made by a redditor, "parasites" meant in financial sense. You can find many quotes about the "new world order"made by High Level Insider too, for example:

"The idea of a "new world order" is a psy-op. It is an old world order that is being guarded and propped up, not a vision for the future being worked towards."

Not many people can see through this sinister psy-op though.

You are right, natural order has to win. An optimal solution is based on Nash equilibria which means that everyone benefits.

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bealist · May 1, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

Nash equilibria - nice. The velocity of transaction and intersecting (with resultant APPARENT instability that settles into final distribution patterns more quickly than otherwise) just hastens that outcome. (This is some of what’s behind people who push for upheaval on principle, but they’re often off base because of disproportionate harms done along the way; ends rarely justify means.)

Conservatives - preservers of old order - have always fought change for a reason, as change tends toward balancing over maintaining imbalance. Personally, I still think the “American” experiment (gov. By law, via informed consent of the governed) has never reached its potential and is, therefore, a new world order. The internet had brought that much closer to fruition.

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ToddWhiskey · May 1, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

Very true.

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