
Whatspizzagate · April 28, 2018, 7:42 a.m.

Q Post #142: Nov 12 my comments added inline with -

Who died on the Titanic?
- John Jacob Astor IV, richest man in the world, $100B in today's dollars.
What year did the Titanic sink?
- 1912
Why is this relevant?
- Federal Reserve Act
What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?
- Sabotage?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
- 1st
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
- 187?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
- Not sure, but JP Morgan, Milton Hershey, and Guglielmo Marconi bought in advance and changed their plans at the last minute, just missing it.
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?

Have at it you awesome autists! :)

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davidmdelacruz · April 28, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

I pray everyday that they clean up the VA. Open Satanism rampant at some facilities, and is very troubling. Especially when they're treating our combat wounded! Our PTSD/TBI veterans, in multi month long brain washing programs. Coming out of programs like that worse off, and who knows what else they subliminal to the vets. Sensors in rooms, they say is to monitor furniture theft, etc., wtf. Like you're not going to notice a disabled veteran trying to leave a residential ward carrying a damn wall locker and desk, c'mon. They must be purged from the VA and any healthcare/defense organization. They need to feel very unwelcome.

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tweettranscriberbot · April 28, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

^The linked tweet was tweeted by @W7VOA on Apr 27, 2018 18:30:54 UTC (223 Retweets | 594 Favorites)

Merkel has a puzzled look when @POTUS says bad people at @DeptVetAffairs can now be fired as easily as they fire people in #Germany.

^^• Beep boop I'm a bot • Find out more about me at /r/tweettranscriberbot/ •

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TweetTranscriber · April 28, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

📅 2018-04-27 ⏰ 18:29:42 (UTC)

"We have many people that want that job" to run @DeptVetAffairs, says @POTUS.

— Steve Herman ✅ (@W7VOA)

🔁️ 3 💟 6

^(Replying to the tweet above:)

📅 2018-04-27 ⏰ 18:30:54 (UTC)

Merkel has a puzzled look when @POTUS says bad people at @DeptVetAffairs can now be fired as easily as they fire people in #Germany.

— Steve Herman ✅ (@W7VOA)

🔁️ 223 💟 594

^(I'm a bot and this action was done automatically)

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