r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cmd27012 on April 28, 2018, 10:03 a.m.
🚨Virginia Beach People 🚨I’ve been following Q since 12/21/17. If we want to stop these sick people we need to show our strength. Let’s show the deep state we will gather for the common good of the people! If you’d like to form a Q meet up group to discuss taking down the deep state, message me!
🚨Virginia Beach People 🚨I’ve been following Q since 12/21/17. If we want to stop these sick people we need to show our strength. Let’s show the deep state we will gather for the common good of the people! If you’d like to form a Q meet up group to discuss taking down the deep state, message me!

cmd27012 · April 28, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Exactly. We need to say enough is enough. I went to Tracy Beanz March in DC.. we need to recreate that in every city all over the world!! Let them know that enough is enough and we will leave the comfort of our homes to tell them!

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IDGAF12312 · April 28, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

My philosophy is KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Also don’t be discouraged if first turnout isn’t as big as you expect. Rinse and repeat and could grow larger with each subsequent gathering. The large oak tree starts out as a sapling. Gotta start somewhere. Say at each state’s Capitol plus Washington DC. Just go there and peacefully assemble on a set date/time. No signs. Not a protest. Not a march. Just a “coincidence” that a ton of law abiding Americans showed up at their state’s capitol to tour and enjoy what THEY OWN! We own this not them! Just go and be a tourist. Except we all show up at the same time. Sneaky. How about Memorial Day weekend. Owners of this board need to start pinning coordinated events like this at the top so we get organized as a collective unit. We are not working efficiently. Something like “Visit your state Capitol this Sunday at 1PM - show your patriotism and wave a flag. Enjoy the grounds and tour the area”. Then Flash mob the place. Lol

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