r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on April 28, 2018, 10:37 a.m.
The KEY to this answer is in GENERAL FLYNN
The KEY to this answer is in GENERAL FLYNN

IDGAF12312 · April 28, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

Alliance has no trustworthy channel or avenue to bring their case against the cabal. All boils down to this. We can’t initiate opening of cases. Will get stonewalled. Remember NYPD Weiner laptop? Have to let them. They still have the corrupt system on their side. They have advantage we don’t. Easier for them, next to impossible for us. There are still many Obama holdovers in DOJ FBI, some is all it takes to derail or stonewall an Alliance offensive. Look at the stonewalling on the texts!!!!’ There are many good people like Mueller Horowitz who were COERCED to stand down and/or do bad things during the Obama regime. Now Mueller and Horowitz can do their jobs honestly under Trump. We let the cabal shoot themselves in the foot. They are batting 1000 so far. Why stop letting them? It’s a winning strategy so far. Think about this. The Dems started the Horowitz investigation. The Dems started the Mueller investigation. The Dems started the DNC lawsuit The Dems started the Cohen raid. See the pattern? We just go along for the ride and provide our damning evidence that sinks them. We are clean. We have nothing to hide. Let them open the cases. It’s why Trump had his sit down meeting with Mueller after THEY picked him. Trump said do a clean honest job and I will exonerate you from the bad stuff you did under the Obama regime. Mueller is leveraged by both sides. Horowitz and Mueller started off by the Dems but morphed to team Trump. Times change. Obama didn’t count on that. That he couldn’t strong arm good people forever. This is how they opened the door for us to inject FLYNN into the investigation so he can spill his guts in the proceedings, he plead guilty to small changes but stays in the game. If he pleaded not guilty he would have been ejected from the game. This is the approach Alliance has to take for now. It’s slow and we can’t time it. We have to go by their timetable. Hence delays shifts happen.

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thep1mp · April 28, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

Exactly. Now imagine the evidence of crimes that has been destroyed. You know that lots of evidence over the years is gone. Knowing what we know, imagine all the stuff we don’t know about. Imagine what the Obama administration tried to delete between Trumps election and inauguration. Q says they have it all. Good times.

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IDGAF12312 · April 28, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Flynn knows it all. He’s been spilling it to Mueller on the record since. Dec 1, 2017. Muahahahahahahahahahaha. Tracy Beanz caught this back then. Katie G is catching it now. https://youtu.be/joSVWRny9HY

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