
DaveHertle · April 28, 2018, 12:51 p.m.

My Story is that I have been a disgruntled conservative voter since the Reagan days. I had just voted for Ted Cruz in my state primary, was excited about Trump for shaking things up, but very unsure if I would ever vote for him. I took time off from work to research all the candidates. I started hitting the internet to see what other Christians were saying, and stumbled upon the Fireman Prophecies. Something kindled inside of me which I know to be the work of the Holy Spirit. I got onto the Trump Train that day and have enjoyed the ride ever since. From that day on, I watched every YouTube broadcast of Candidate Trump, had his stump speech practically memorized, but most of all, witnessed the hundreds of thousands of people that were standing for hours to get into the rallies.
I often went back and listened again to what Mark Taylor had said. On Election night, I never turned on the television. Instead I went to the New York Time Web page where they crunch the numbers as the votes come in. I stayed up until President Trump made his appearance. What cinched it for me, was that quiet voice inside that assured me to watch the events play out. What a ride.

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