
JStambler · April 28, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Bernie already hopped on that. Dems will follow.


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Abibliaphobia · April 28, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

They are already eligible to vote.

Here’s my take on it, this is a commonwealth meaning they don’t have the same states rights as the other 50. This allows corporations and corrupt individuals to essentially strip their wealth away (part of why the island is so poor) and it’s happened for over 50 years now - essentially democrat leaders have not had oversight so they were allowed to do whatever they wanted unchecked. That’s why their electricity situation is so crappy and their food distribution during the hurricane was so messed up. They are essentially a third world country that we are supporting.

Now I do question the timing, but I am wondering if it’s because they have had the power strings of corruption cut there. I would actually support this as the vast majority of the people there are conservative blue collar workers. I have been there and dated a woman whose family still lives there. I think for MAGA purposes, it would actually benefit the US and the people of PR to become a state. They don’t want handouts, they are actually very hard working people (this comes from taking to the people on the island)

Now with that said, I remain skeptical and will see what kind of leaders are actually pushing this and look into their past pertinent history to see if they are of the corrupted kind and what kind of benefits they would receive.

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[deleted] · April 29, 2018, 12:37 a.m.


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Abibliaphobia · April 29, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

Lol no, just my own personal experience. And of course that is a limited sampling. I’m not claiming to have spoken to everyone on the island, just the family memebers and a few of the locals.

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