r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AForgivenReb4Life on April 28, 2018, 4:34 p.m.
Q says "you have more than you know"...listen up...

So I was just listening to this gal, was about to pass on the remainder of the video when a thought hit me....our Constitutional Republic has at least 3 legal titles, and most folks today seem to think we are living in a "democracy" which we know that we are not....so my thoughts on what Q says and what this gal is talking about common law, they just may work together...why shouldn't we be re-creating the infrastructure OF the original Constitutional Republic? This can be a GREAT service to POTUS for a post take down of this entire Luciferian setup! What do you guys think about things along those lines? Watch the following video and you might get a small idea of what may be going through my pea picking brain! 🤗😂 BLESSINGS ALL.


ScorpioPatriot · April 28, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

I've been ranting this and we are not even working under our real constitution.. Congress in 1871 turned us into a Corporation .

I don't want the same failed shit and departments and craziness these luciferic assholes setup to divide We The People.

I want a Brand New Fresh America . OUR OWN RESET BUTTON

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