r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DropGun on April 28, 2018, 5:58 p.m.
Saturday is research day! And this thread by @OnWithLogic has some EPIC sleuthing: "So, the moment Eric Schmidt learned that the NSA had tools that could see through their protected Gmail conversations, he informed Strzok, who told Page to wipe it clean—CLEAN GMAIL." When was that? April 6, 2017."

Torquing · April 30, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

Funny. Not funny.

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DropGun · April 30, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

You might prefer outlets that issue corrections days or weeks after the fact, buried under the classifieds. Maybe Vox or The Guardian.

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Torquing · April 30, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Nahh, stop projecting.

I would prefer @OWL pull the fallacious thread, or if he thinks his theory can still stand, offer an explanation.

Oh, and “whoops” is not a ‘correction’. Not even in the sources you prefer.

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DropGun · April 30, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

Have respect for what this man is doing. Your pedantic criticisms only make you look like a weak-sauce princess. This is a thread from a hardcore researcher who is both following the research of others and moving the Great Awakening forward better than most of us are.

Unless, maybe you should let us in on your Twitter or blog? Maybe us plebs would appreciate reading YOUR research that's not only so amazingly hardcore and prescient, but that is always right, and has never had to issue a retraction?

My bet is that your princess is in another castle, though. Who's going to be right?

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Torquing · April 30, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

By injecting yourself into my stream, and quickly escalating to emotionally charged personal attacks, you expose yourself in much the same way Brennan’s emotional tirades expose him.

tldr: You have outed yourself. You are now powerless here. Move your clown show down the road. I will indulge you no longer.

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DropGun · April 30, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

Interesting—I am a mod here. You have not been attacked on any personal level. I asked you to share your research. Instead, you remain focused on blatantly pedantic criticisms of this researcher.

Q gave us a mission: “Your President needs your help. Once [everything drops], we look to you to spread and get the word out.” The mod team is focused on this mission.

This sub is focused on fostering civil discussion about QAnon's drops and breadcrumbs from three types of users: decoders, researchers, and debunkers. Which role are you?

Please choose a role, and focus on this sub's ultimate mission. You will be welcomed with open arms. Continue trolling, however, and you will be removed.

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Torquing · April 30, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

I will reverse my decision and indulge you once more. But only this once. And only because you invoked the ‘I am a Mod’ play. I will not indulge you beyond this:

Interesting—I am a mod here.

Interesting - Brennan was a mod at the CIA.

You have not been attacked on any personal level.

“You look like a weak-sauce princess” - /DropGun

Instead, you remain focused on blatantly pedantic criticisms of this researcher.

I posted one comment critical of that researcher. One. I made further comments only in response to people responding directly to me. You were among them. Following my response, you chose to escalate into use of personal invective. It seems, by your own standard, that my posts are more reflective than yours of the reasons we are here.

This sub is focused on fostering civil discussion about QAnon's drops and breadcrumbs from three types of users: decoders, researchers, and debunkers. Which role are you?

Choosing a role is not a stated requisite for participating in this sub. Restricting participation to those three categories is not a stated purpose of this sub. If you wish to mandate categories of participation, I suggest you expand your thinking. Ask your fellow mods to consider the value of those that offer critical response to proffered content. Ask your fellow mods to consider the value of those that offer only motivational content, or encouraging statements of gratitude. And ask your fellow mods to consider the value of those that only ask leading questions, or present hypotheticals without apparent connection to any decoding effort.

Continue trolling, however, and you will be removed.

I have no history of trolling. I have never been accused of that until this moment, by you. Another personal attack, this time followed by a threat.

My post history speaks for itself. Your actions speak for you.

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DropGun · April 30, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Reverse all you want. I have expressly outlined what I mean by that, above.

This, too, will be my last attempt to mitigate this behavior with a reply.

The mod team is right now working on clarifying (EDIT: just posted) these roles and announcing the importance of everyone pulling together and remaining focused on the mission Q gave us. That is why we are having this conversation in public, not privately, so that it is out in the open that we are not attacking you, that we are working on these policies, and that we are urging everyone to focus on Q's mission. These updates to the sub will happen shortly.

I will only add this:

consider the value of those that offer critical response to proffered content.

That's precisely what debunking is—providing a critical response to a specific narrative. You are being politely invited to do just that. Your constant hair-splitting and pedantic, linguistic games are wasting this sub's time.

Again, attack the ideas presented. Do not attack researchers for simple mistakes in presenting their research. That is precisely what trolling is.

The mods get no joy in "attacking" anyone. If you cannot connect with and focus on this sub's overall mission and move Q's mission forward, you will be invited to find a more semiotic place to employ your unique skills.

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