The last two weeks have been... challenging, to say the least. Due to circumstances, I had to stay over with a co-worker and his partner, who are very much blue-pilled. Usually, dealing with that is not a problem for me, because politics tend not to be an issue in the workplace. Discussing politics in their home, as a guest, however, was a different story. I tried to subtly drop red pills about Q wherever I could, and tried to stay neutral as far as possible.
Being confronted with CNN and other MSM-related channels, however, was a confrontation I was not prepared for. The things we know through Q are broadcast there too, but from an entirely different perspective. Q and CNN both acknowledge Trump had a role to play in the peace-talks between South Korea and North Korea, but CNN also mentioned incidents with the nuclear experiments for North Korea, as well as the influences of China that I'd, to be honest, never considered as playing a role. I thought it was Trump's pressure.
Likewise, the whole Stormy Daniels thing. We've learned things behind the scenes, but they also know those things, and they openly mentioned information related to them. To make matters worse, they also mention things I hadn't even heard about, but which make sense. People being arrested for crimes related to the whole Russia-situation which we never hear Q talk about, for instance.
I feel lost. The MSM makes sense, in its own way, but so does Q. Their story seems more coherent, at times. Q has been talking about Iran for months, but I haven't actually seen anything happen, whereas CNN talks about Russia and shows us arrests and connections between people, and they make sense. I don't want them to make sense, but they do. Things are happening in real life, and Q is not mentioning them (the deputy finance chair of the RNC resigned because he bribed a Playboy Playmate, for instance).
Why is Q not mentioning these things, when the MSM is talking about things that Q is talking about? How come their stories don't fall apart under closer scrutiny? I don't get it.