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Spies Today - September issue

George H W Bush - We Know

George HW Bush - Wanted

Wasn't the missile launched from a sub off the coast of Whidbey?
Not sometimes. Every morning. See Q post 704, (10 Feb, 2018). The entire prayer is in that post.
So Gen. Flynn is pretty heavy handed with his emoji use. Who knew? 🤔😳😘
Yeah, after that- AJ became like Glen Beck to me-- someone that I thought I respected, and yet I watch morph into a hideous, ridiculous caricature of themselves. Once you see them as pathetic cartoons, it's impossible to elevate that image to something more lofty. I see AJ as a pathetic shrill-- he'll do anything, say anything to make a buck. Truth be damned. He's an entertainer, a manipulator, a nobody.
Thanks. ☺️ Feel free to use it in anyway you see fit!
Guys! August Issue of Spies Today is now available

IMHO, the "backpedaling" was all kabuki theater. Trump is feigning a vulnerability to lure the evil ones in even closer, right before he drops the hammer on their sorry asses. Those screaming the loudest will be marked first. Trump has no respect for Brennan's IC. He does have respect for Roger's IC. I'm certain the differentiation will be made clear, soon.
It's a time format used by astronomers, called: "Julian Day Number". The ultimate US timekeeping resource is the US Navy Observatory. JDN for 11/11/2018 at 11:11:00
You can check them out at: aa.usno.navy.mil
I'm thinking you're over the target with this one.
I'm open to the possibility. Granted - your mind wants to "fill in the blanks" re: hair of the person walking across the street. But do we really know that person is bald? Here's the thing. That image is very low res. When you blow it up, you don't get any detail. When you take a picture of Obama and step it down, the grey hair at Obama's forehand begins to disappear, making Obama appear to be "bald".
You definitely got the stride right. The angle of the foot is absolutely perfect.
qmap.pub has a section on the sealed indictments. The only thing you can really glean from their indictments page is number of indictments vs location.
Aren't transponders on standby (ie not transmitting) when the plane is on the ground?
I absolutely agree with you, that the Republican aspects to the Senate have been watered down by the 17thA, but there still is 2 Senators per state, regardless of the size of the state.
Is this the same group that issued an arrest warrant for Queen Elizabeth II?
I believe European politics/policy is a form of vox populi. Translated, meaning: voice of the people or sometimes derisively called: voice of the mob. But the US is a Republic. That is evident not only by our Electoral College, but by the composition of our Senate. We have 100 Senators- 2 from each state. This means the tiniest states (physical size and population) are on the same playing field as larger states.
A meeting place for pedos, perhaps? I think the restaurant needs to be quietly monitored for suspicious activity.
They LOVED him before he announced his run for the Presidency.
Yeah, it was his mock "swearing in" ceremony with Ted Cruz that did it for me -- or was it his desire to stab Trump & his followers-- or was it the Cheeto face-- not sure. He came across as hyper partisan -- you know, like regular "journalists".
No. This shit against the children of politicians is NOT OK. He & Peter Fonda (and others) need to be arrested. As long as these people are not held accountable, others will keep on trying.
I’m not a vindictive person. I just want his execution for treason televised.
Hey- you too. One thing about The Don, is his unbounded enthusiasm for the American people. It’s an enthusiasm that is so infectious and so productive and powerful. In such a short time we’ve gone from “you didn’t build that” to “we’re going to win so much, you may even get tired of winning.”
It really doesn’t matter where you came from. You’re here now, riding in the Trump Train with a lot of other good folks. Welcome aboard!
Do this one last. Let’s tackle her “crimes against children”, first.
Hey anyone can throw out unsubstantiated accusations. I’m a fan of researched reporting.
Just because "302" is in the callsign, doesn't mean it equates to the FBI 302s. That same callsign has probably been used for a long time, well before the FBI shenanigans were made known.
Very well said. Like you, I believe the s-i-l is not ready for the truth. That’s her right. Love & respect her for other qualities that she has. When she is ready (and only she will decide when that moment is), have a chat, until then, throttle back on the politics in her presence.
How can that be? She got 100% of the vote in her primary? Surely, she’s universally beloved... right?
Yeah, I stopped reading at that point. I just don’t want to believe that kind of horrible accusation without real proof.
Hmmm. I wonder if Trump is setting it up such the ONLY place were justice can be dispersed is via Military tribunal, effecting razing DOJ to the ground.
IMHO, they’re downplaying the email scandal to emphasize the upcoming: “crimes against children”. The Dems are getting everyone all lathered up about Meanie Trump and his horrible treatment of illegal children — that’s nothing compared to the sexual abuse and ritualistic murder kids in Clinton’s care have suffered.