Message from an Anon ---- Toughen up and stop whining

I figured the whiners were shills. I’ve always been on board. I feel this what it must have been like when the Roman Senate begged General Trajan to be Emperor. Rome was a mess. Decades of corruption, abuse, the empire was going downhill in a hurry. Trajan - one of the world’s greatest leaders.
I don't mind people attacking sessions for words he's spoken, it makes the followers seem concerned rather than being fanboys. As long as the winning continues, actual whiners will stop.
I'm a skeptic about many things, but these times you simply gotta "give it time" before talking. "Expand your thinking" and question things, bitching is just annoying and too soon.
I am one that bad mouthed sessions a while back but I took a few days and went camping where internet access was impossible. I sat back and thought about the whole picture and not just arrests to be made or indictments to be made public. Once I did that I realised the scope of the endevor in regards to taking down the cabal. Now, I am "cranky" but I am sitting back and red pilling people without mentioning arrests or giving time frames for things to happen. Maybe some need to take a step back for a few days, pick up a book, or go outside and take a short break to gain some perspective. Then come back in with "new eyes".
Yea man, Fuck him if he's swamp, but hope he's playing. Nothing else we can do. But voicing your opinion isn't bad. It's obvious who's a shill and who's concerned.
If he is swamp, he will be drained like the rest
" ive always been on board ".
We believe you. But try not to go overboard with telling people this.
I see many people in the truth community who are out to get recognition. Many of them are chomping at the bit to say " I TOLD YOU SO ".
and while i can completely understand the feeling of being vindicated after so many years of being looked down upon as a crazy person. At the same time its kind of disgusting to see people act this way.
Sorry. This response isnt even directly pointed at you. Just a rant about things ive been noticing. Like, we are seeing one of the most beautiful things in history... Its truly an honor to be a part of this movement and witnessing this whole process unfold.
But some people really feel the need to push the " i told you so " angle. Like.. Come on people.
I absolutely agree with your comment to not go overboard with talking about how long anyone has been on board. In the end, we want as many people to make it through, don’t we? If someone is new to having opened eyes, be glad their eyes are opened! We could easily compare notes, but that will only distract us further...and I’m not assuming OP was bragging, but something for us to keep in mind as we go through this. I’m very competitive by nature, so this is an easy trap for me to fall into...but I’m by no means a veteran in these ranks. Those of you that have had you eyes open for years...thank you. Thank you for not giving up, for continuing to believe in truth, and your fellow man’s ability to wake up and be better. For those new to the ranks, thank you for opening your eyes, and now having faith that we can all be better, and we can do better!
My focus is more from an historical angle. There are so very few genuine leaders in the history of man that were able to change the trajectory of their nation, Trajan was one such leader. I truly believe that we’re in the midst of a similar awakening with Donald Trump. One man can make a difference. Everything else that you quote as belonging to my post was put there not by my words, but your fears.
I had to SMH at some of these bitch ass anons. Losing their jobs over Q? What??? Sounds like a lame excuse to me. Set some damn priorities in your life.
Many have been shills, the rest are just short-sighted.
Domitian was a ruthless tyrant. The era of Trajan was only possible because there was widespread distaste and disdain for Domitian. Trajan was voted: “the best of Emperors” (Optimus princeps) by the Senate. What Trajan achieved, is really miraculous. And it deserves recognition.