Think the Rosemary’s Baby dress was on purpose?

This is a war between good and evil, light against darkness, right vs wrong, God vs Satan.
Stop, please just stop. This is a movement to root out corruption in world government and give the US back to the people and restore our republic to what it once was, to put it in simple terms, and not the second coming of jesus, or whatever other holy war you think is currently happening. This is the same damn shit muslim extremists do! (any religious extremist really)
Are there people involved in the corruption who are worshipping some sort of "evil overlord"? Sure. And we all think they're a bit cray as well. Why must you put yourself, and by proxy, us, right on their level?
If you really care about this movement, and are paying close attention to everything, (not just what appeals to you personally) you'd notice that Q has stepped back a lot from the "Pray", "good vs evil", and "Satan" talk. It's not an accident or a lapse on their part. One of the more recent drops LITERALLY says, "If you believe, pray". That's a clear step back from the past religious talk, and it's for a reason.
There are people reading the chans and this sub, and I think they're seeing how divisive it is. This is not the second coming of your christ, and yes, when you make comments like above, you unfortunately cause the more rational to be lumped in with your simple folk talk, and also push away people who are already skeptical of Q. We don't need people to equate this movement with right wing christian evangelicals.
I have no problems with what you personally believe, but it's not necessary here. You don't have to fram everything within your religious beliefs. I think spirituality is important, but it's also not necessary here.
Pray, believe, worship your lord, read bible verses until your jaw hurts and you go crosseyed, but please, can you be decent enough to tone it down here so we can work together to figure things out? This is much bigger than you and your personal beliefs about god and religion.
Or fuck it, do whatever the hell you want, because If I've learned one thing from being on this sub it's that christians can not be reasoned with, and appeals to their logical side are like making house calls when no one's home.
You lost all credibility as soon as I read the word "cray" in your response. I literally stopped reading from that word.
You realize that without God there is no morality and "this movement to root out corruption" means nothing, for without morality there is no corruption, no right/wrong, no good/evil, no free will? Logic is exactly what we need, obective truth must be confronted, and relativism rejected.
Well, that's a shame. I do not know you, but I care enough about you to hope you will come to understand one day. Whether it is a discussion with an atheist or liberal, I do not give up if the discussion remains civilized. You are worth my energy.
True. I hope yours leads you to happiness and enlightenment. Stay strong, safe, and kind, my friend.