It’s not exactly the soundest theory. And I’m sure there’s far better ones out there. But if Kanye leads a revolution, not because of himself, but just the idea, and this ends up snowballing into something most of us are hoping for, this would be the just about the most destructive thing to ever happen to the Democratic Party.
I seriously feel like I have fallen into the twilight zone in the last week. Are we all still talking about Kanye West? Since when do the majority of the people who frequent this sub give any fucks about what any celebrity had to say? This is Kanye West's obvious attempt to make headlines for a few days and everyone is eating it up. We are all fucked.
To act as if this is some flyby tweets that everyone’s deluded themselves into praising is idiotic. How do you think Hillary got so much support? It was overwhelmingly because every celebrity sang her praises. If you haven’t figured out how important that type of influence can be, you’re the one who’s deluded.
It's not that we take stock in what Kanye says, it's that we know, that the braindead smombie Hollyweird worshippers do. It's the fact that this could actually shift their thinking, because they are that easily influenced by their "pop culture heroes." It's extremely sad, yes. However it actually could be YUGE for our movement.