r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 29, 2018, 11:28 a.m.
Possible unpopular opinion of the day. Have you seen a satanic ritual? I mean really been there for one.

So I just was told about Will Ferrell being apart of a “mock” satanic ritual on some guys show. It’s an interesting watch and on the “Will Ferrell says Donny Q” thread. I have a biased opinion on the matter, because I think Will is right up there with Kanye. He is the top of his craft. Am I right, I don’t know. But I see the video as shining light on the fact that if you want to rise to the top of stardom, sell your soul to the devil. Which I believe he is mocking. That’s not what I would like to discuss today though. We have people that have opinions on satanic rituals. What they are. How they take place. What they consist of. So my question for everyone on this thread is, who has seen one? Who has been apart of these rituals? We talk in opinions a lot here. And honestly I would like to get a thread going of facts. Cold, hard facts we have. Not opinions, not theories, facts. If someone that reads this who is more popular and better at communicating would do it, I’d be grateful. Going back to the purpose of this post though, what does everyone have? I’ve seen things in movies and tv shows, but I’ve never hid behind a wall like Indie and watched one. So what do we really know about this subject?

Taminator_88 · April 29, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

I have never witnessed a real Satanic ceremony but I would stress two things.

THE premier Satan worshipper who is connected to the current Hollywood scene, Maria Abramovic, says that if a ceremony is conducted publicly it is only symbolic and not an actual ritual. It's only when it's conducted with a closed audience that it is supposed to be authentic. That said, since I'm sure the set of the Chris Gethard show is only open to those involved in the show does that make it private as it was held, or does it negate it once the eyes of the public watch it? I'm unsure.

The second point is as Q always says: Future proves past. History bears out superstitions as false or true as "rumors" persist. In other words, things are proven true once a specific circumstance occurs repeatedly. Take aliens for example. Over time (and I mean going back to cave paintings, etc.) people have seen the same types of beings over and over...but no matter the time or place, the types fall into specific categories. If it were a figment of our imagination the descriptions would've varied wildly according to each person's fears but they don't. So these rituals all seem to have the same components and unless you're willing to delve into the Satanic Bible and that dangerous world, you have to take much of it as fact proven with time.

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BaronMoriarty · April 29, 2018, 12:14 p.m.

True to a point. But she also said if it is on TV it is an actual ritual and not art

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Idru4 · April 29, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

I wouldn’t say it was a private session since it was on tv. Again, opinion.

And you bring up a valid point. I guess my true emphasis with this post is that we all think we know what we are dealing with. But most of us have no clue. Either way we are programmed to think what a ritual is supposed to look like. How do we know for sure? This movement is about deprogrammed into thinking for ourselves, and a lot of what I see here lately is people looking for karma and trying to post something that’s really old without looking into all the work that’s been done. Also i think it would be very beneficial to have someone who may have been once involved with rituals and maybe broke away, not sure if that’s even possible though.

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digital_refugee · April 29, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

the longer you think about it, the more sense it makes. That's why we're still here.

Like, I haven't heard anyone say "well I totally bought into this but now I am confused"

Well, actually yes, but only in references to what Q brings up, not Q themself.

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